Watch Party for our Upcoming Primetime Show on MTV

MTV came over this summer to feature the Garden of Eden in a young man's journey of transformation.

This spring, MTV producers sought out our sustainable community to be part of their True Life series because they heard about some of our humanitarian works. The film crew followed our friend Emet during the summer months as he moved in and tasted our alternative lifestyle. 

It was great fun to have them here as they documented average days in our lives! 

Emet is a musician who was truly searching for himself, and he definitely came to the right place for that. With Quinn's guidance and the support of our entire community, Emet had a life-changing experience facilitated in part by building his own teeny tiny home and learning to be more self-sufficient. 

We gave the crew green juice and fed them grasshoppers and generally blew their minds. 

We're looking forward to watching the final show! 

The episode True Life: I'm Joining a Commune will air on December 28th at 11 pm. The thing is we don't have a TV with cable!

We need a place to watch our show on MTV!

We'd love to have a watch party with Emet and a few more friends who appeared on the show, but it turns out we don't really run in circles with people who have TVs. We're reaching out to anyone who might like to host an MTV watch party for the Eden Knights and friends.

We'll cater some über dank high vibe cuisine to share with one and all and offer our joyous company as well. 

Do you want to have an MTV watch party with us???

Back in the day, this is the kind of post we would have made on Fascistbook, but we don't use them anymore except to promote our Steemit posts. We share this here exclusively and will promote it through our other networks.

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