An Afterschool Robotic Petting Zoo

One Little, Two Little, Three Little Robots....


Today was slightly more interesting than normal. BB-8 in miniature took multiple tours around the library. A circular-shaped robot named Sphero zipped through the foyer. I learned that Ozobots take a gentle touch to recalibrate; taught some elementary-aged school kids that a circuit needs to be complete before anything "happens", and watched a pretty hysterical group of kids try to program a robo-mouse through a maze.


Just another day's work at the library.



There has been a huge push the last few years in Youth Services to get all things STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) into the hands of our youth, and today's hands-on extravaganza was just another of many opportunities that our library has facilitated in this area. I have nothing to do with planning any of it, for as a circulation librarian my part is just support staff, but I do so like witnessing the joy of discovery.


Sphero made short work of the discarded book maze.

Also, BB-8 and Sphero were totally fascinated by my boots, as they rammed themselves off of the shiny surface of my Neo-Victorian foot-ware multiple times:


I feel like this was done on purpose, as there were lots of giggles, but the robots were always blamed, not their "pilots"...

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's tired from timing all of the kid's turns with the robots iPhone.

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