Hurtling To Hood River

Car Ride Cogitations


Oh dearest readers! The neglect of my blog has not been intentional; rather I have been busily preparing to leave for my cousin's wedding. When one leaves their abode for any travel reason there are many preparations to consider. Add a farm's worth of things to care for to a getting ready to flee list and you'll watch your to-do's grow exponentially.

John Day Dam

'Tis no matter though! Yesterday we fled Idaho for a cruise through Eastern Washington and down the Columbia River Gorge to a town called Hood River, Oregon. Hood River is a pretty little town full of orchards and vineyards. It sits in the shade of the towering Mount Hood, and dips it's town toes into the mighty Columbia River.


The town itself is perched quite nicely on the banks of the river, and it holds a special place in this Kat's blood pumper as my mom was born here! Somehow we always end up in this burg for special life events in my mom's family: births, funerals, and on today's agenda: a wedding!

This is such a great freeway song, people give you a wide berth once they partake my performance of this bit of "classical music" in the passenger seat😜

One thing my son and I discovered last night when we tried to walk to the local Walmart 1 block away from our hotel is that Hood River has a lack of crosswalks. Maybe they just want their pedestrians to feel like they are in a game of Frogger? My son kept waxing dramatic about how we almost died. Puhlease. That expiration almost occurred later when I took my two Polynesian water sprites to the pool!


Don't get me wrong, I love to swim, but I totally rejoiced when I saw the pool's closing hours posted with glaring authority on wall! All my two children are missing webbed feet and gills. Thank the stars for the whirlpool; after countless laps and pool game competition referring, those jets were a balm for my soul. Well, my back anyway.


This whole little weekend has me thinking about the joy that is derived from the events in life that you circumvent the peripheral of. It's my cousin's magical day, and I so pleased to be here to celebrate the connubial event. At the same time I've been elated to enjoy a mini-break with my own family. There was a six hour drive full of singing and sites, a hotel suite just across the hall from an indoor pool and whirlpool, and the culinary delights of a Taco Bell and Dairy Queen right next door! Tonight after the wedding the consumption of a gimmicky Guardians Of The Galaxy Blizzard will happen after my nightly swim! It has been foretold!

In closing, I hope all of you glorious Steemians are having a marvelous weekend! There's always something to discover, like I am doing so right now, as I just finished typing my first blog post on my phone! YAY!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's chlorine water infused iPhone.

Also, all of the pictures were snapped as we were hurtling down the road, as my Army husband approaches every drive like we are on a mission. Seriously, I think we are lucky to get a bathroom stop...

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