It's Okay To Sweat The Small Things

If That Perspiration Results From Joy Felt From Experiencing Them


My Squeaky is not afraid to stop and smell the roses!

A few years ago everything had to be extreme. Extreme drinks, extreme vehicles, extreme movies, extreme parenting, all the things were to be extreme. Now, I am not ragging on people that truly like to do the extreme, nor am I saying that a good ol' extreme experience is bad now and then. Not at all. What I posit instead is the joy found in the small or perhaps mundane experiences can be just as soul-feeding as the large.

An example: my mom wanted to buy me lunch today and as we sat in the restaurant she suddenly gasped and glanced at me with such a look of horror on her face that I thought she had found a blow fly in her smoked chicken manicotti. The crisis was that her debit card had expired the day before and she had forgotten to put the new one in her wallet. The whole lunch situation was rectified right nicely, and I had a pocketful of amusement to fill me with mirth for the rest of the day. Nothing makes a kid glow with joy like seeing their mother forget to do something mundane or go through an inconvenient bit of discomfort. I don't care if you are 6 or 36, when your mom freaks out it makes you a bit giggly.

Another instance that caused me to perspire due to outright laughing and elation was caused by my son today. He was hanging with our neighbors while I went on the grocery shopping outing with my Ma. A little while into the shopping expedition I got a text from my neighbor, full of lolz, stating that my boy had said,

"I just don't know what's wrong with Mom, there absolutely no food in the whole house. It's crazy."

Ah, the drama of a ten year old bottomless Polynesian pit. Minutia caused joy perspiration phenomena achieved. Because of course a 5'2", 140+lb ten year old is on the cusp of starvation expiration.

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The Bobo is always hungry...

Another small experience that has stayed with me is what I like to call the Corkscrew Occurrence. I live a blistering eight miles from Silverwood Theme Park, the Pacific Northwest's Largest theme park! I have been going to Silverwood since I was a teenager which was just a couple years ago. On one happy theme park attendance occasion the weather was rather "Meh". My brother, cousin, and I had spent most of our young lives in Southeast Alaska so a bit of grey skies and rain was of little concern to us. Apparently other folks had more of a Wicked Witch of the West reaction and the park was virtually empty. We all found that we adored the Corkscrew Roller Coaster, and we adored it's operator even more, for as there was no line he let us stay on the coaster. We rode it 36 loops in a row.

Now the operator of the ride didn't have to let us engage in that serious amount of loop caused fun, but I am reasonably sure that our enthusiasm was pretty contagious for I can, to this day, remember the smile on that kid's face. It's that smile and the remembrance of that simple joy-filled event that makes me seek out the small bits of life-caused joy perspiration. I don't need every day dripping with extreme for me to feel contentedness. The cumulative effect of the small events does this girl's general well-being just fine.


Hope you are all having the most splendid evening, afternoon, morning, or night!!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's blackberry cobbler juice stained and rose scented iPhone.

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