Lego Batman Party

At The Library!

It's Spring Break for the school kids here in North Idaho, and what did our amazing Youth Services lady do for the out of school youngsters? She scheduled a Lego Batman Party for our entire community!

This party was an extra special occasion, for it was the first time that I got to bring my daughter to work with me. She has been bugging me for years to come and help librarian. We recently got permission from our administration to bring our kids in to help out as volunteers. The glee expressed by my eldest when I delivered the news that she was allowed to come help with the party was beyond awesome!

I get to the library quite a few hours before it actually opens on Tuesdays, and I have to admit it was pretty fun having my Squeaky-girl with me. She was in a bit of awe as I disabled the alarm, fired up all of the equipment, ran reports, and went over basic opening procedures. We then opened the box labeled, "Lego Batman Party Decorations." Our first order of Library to Lego Bat Cave decorating was to turn all of the shelving end caps into gigantic black and yellow Legos with tablecloths and paper plates. I think that they turned out pretty well:

Our amazing children's librarian turned up at around ten, and we proceeded to unload all of the party "stuff" from the back of her vehicle. Whilst working on the party setup I might have cracked a lot of jokes about decorating for Lego Batman Prom.

A short while later we had:

A bat-selfie photo booth:

A couple of Lego brick play stations:

A Lego brick painting table:

A Lego pixel art station:

A superhero mask coloring table

The movie screen was set up and showing Youtube Lego clips. And last, but not least, was everyone's favorite table, the bat snack buffet:

Bat Kibble

Bat Wings

Catwoman's Claws

There was also Two-Faced Cookies and Joker Juice to round out the nibbles offered to our batlings and their caretakers.

As with any event offered to the public, there was no shortage of entertaining moments: Upset babies, multiple Joker Juice spills, Bat Kibble pigouts, and my all time favorite quote of the event.

There is this ten year old boy, Herman. He's been coming to the library his entire existence, and he is also quite a character. As I was scrubbing the 33rd crushed marshmallow of the day out to the carpet, Herman and one of his pals walked by me on their way out of the library. He said:

"It was fun while the snacks lasted."

HA HA! I love honest reviews!

The party was fun, but what was even more fun for me was showing my daughter much of what I do in a day. I taught her how to pull holds, properly check in materials, and pack the courier bins. She was so into the whole librarian volunteer day, and by the end of my shift I told her she had graduated from Junior to Senior Intern. One thing that I don't really understand is her fascination with the paper shredder, but there are things about me that probably confuse her as well. The is one sure thing however; we are both looking forward to our next library adventure together!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's Bat Kibble encrusted iPhone.

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