"Once More Unto The Breach," er...Bedroom

The Great Cleansing of The Daughter's Bedroom Saga

The Incredibly Bendy Viper and I be cleaning HARD!

I bought the paint for my daughter's bedroom about six months ago. Now, I am not too much of a procrastinator. Granted, I do have an incredibly busy schedule, but we painted our son's room the same week we purchased the paint for both rooms.

So, what gives you might ask?

Why has my daughter's drywall been deprived of the most glorious shade of turquiose?

I will tell you why, because her room is a horror show!

This was all stacked nicely in the closet!

It's not so much that her room is messy, rather, that it is a combination of Martha Stewart-esque tendencies meets the biggest hoarder that you can possibly think of. She has an affinity for the fine arts, and unfortunately that affinity is stashed in various boxes, purses, and odd receptacles throughout that place of supposed rest and individuality.

Individual is right! I am continually awed by her storage skills. I mean, when one looks at a purse, you would think that the bag would contain "purse things" like chap-stick, a brush, money, heck, even a hair tie or two. My Squeaky will have a note I took five years ago, a birthday card, random stickers, leggings, documents referring to the Annexation of Puerto Rico, marbles, a toy horse, markers, playing cards, an old cell phone's innards, and Lord knows what else in the form of detritus within that unfortunate sack.

This only looks like a bag that belongs to a young girl

BUT within its depths: NAILS and SCREWS!

I don't even know what this means...

Try to imagine many, many of these sorts of items, randomly dispersed, with no sense of rhyme and order, throughout the innards of an entire bedroom. Add in three cat "helpers" that I don't really need, and a good amount of streaming music (Thanks Amazon), and you can imagine my afternoon.

On the bright side though, I did find a lot of missing socks, dish towels, and pens! So, there is always something positive!

Here's a missing canning jar, totally being used for its manufactured purpose.

Loving Parent Disclaimer: I love my Squeaky very much, as demonstrated by spending the last six hours purging and organizing her bedroom rubble and prepping that sacred space for paint. She is a very special girl, and I love all her quirks, even if I wax sarcastic about some of them from time to time!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken by the author on her glitter and press-on-nail assaulted iPhone.

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