The Art Of Stopping

A Look At The Composition Of A Mini-Sabbatical


Like most adults, I tend to go pretty hard in the life department. Most of my days are allocated with some life-thing to do: being a wife and mom, work, homeschooling, farming, writing, etc...the list goes on. All of that adulting can wear one down, and even if I did happen get a day that I might get to lounge at my plantation; there is no way that I could truly, mentally rest, as there is always something that can or needs to be done in one's own home.

Enter "Girl's Weekend." Once a year a few friends and I meet for a Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon mini life-sabbatical. Do you know what our itinerary is? Absolutely nothing! It is the one 48 hour stretch of the year that I don't get out of my pajamas for two days. I eat whatever I want. I talk about whatever I want. I listen to the woes, joys, and mundane experiences of some people that I care about.

Girl's Weekend is kind of like a sleepover for adults. We bring a a bunch of food that we would never eat, or get to eat for that matter. The last couple of years we've held our retreat at my friend's parent's lake-house. I love having it there, for it contains my Harry Potter Hobbit bed. There are a ton of available bedrooms in the big house, but I always choose this little alcove under the stairs. It is so cozy, I am diminutive in stature, and I feel like I am lounging on the Ship To Responsibility Nowhere every time I park my carcass in it late at night.


Each time I head home from my rejuvenative weekend of sloth, indulgence, and good company; I feel this complete sense of restorative peace that pervades my entire being. Rest, enjoyment, and empathy are important things for any human being to experience, especially those that constantly serve others. It is my belief that all people need a form of "Girl's Weekend" once in awhile. The change of pace is so helpful, for it brings about a much needed reexamination of my current held life-perspective. I always leave for home with a peaceful optimism about my situation on this planet. I also leave with my short-person joke quota filled, but as most of my friends are rather tall, I suppose that will always be a thing.

It's good to be back home, and I hope that all of you Steemians had the most wonderful weekend!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's salt and vinegar chip crumb encrusted iPhone.!

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