Children are a direct result of their parents-


Yesterday I had a  really bad day. It was one of those days when you just want to throw your hands up in the air and just give up. A day where you question everything that  you have  done for the last few years and just wonder if you should not just call it a day.   

The day started out as normal but close to the end of the school day, something happened that shocked me to the core. I was busy explaining a sum on the board, and noticed that one of the students- a little boy named Christian, was not listening. I just left it and finished explaining. I did not want to call him out, because I would definitely have embarrassed him in front of his friends. 

I usually let the kids do some more examples while I explain, and then they come give me the answers on the board. If one student do not understand I will start over to make sure that everyone understands completely especially the young students, as I want them to have a good foundation.  

Although our Department of Education forces us to work through a whole curriculum, it is important to me that students understand the work.  By now I know exactly what they are going to need in future grades, so I do not move on to the next topic until I am fairly certain everyone understand the basics.   

So I noticed this little boy was doing everything, except what he was supposed to. I gave another girl a chance to write an answer on the board and then it was Christian's turn. I wrote another sum on the board and called him to the front. 

He looked at me,  and he bluntly said "NO"  I am not one to force anyone to do anything, but I was certain that he had no clue what was going on in class...and if he did a sum on the board I could help him understand better.  

I then asked him one more time to write the answer on the board.  I was adamant to make him understand this because it is after all my job to teach and to make them understand.  Christian just looked at me, and I nearly fell of my chair when he said " F*CK YOU!"  I am not kidding you!

I was shocked to my core.  This was a 9 year old boy, and he did not have respect for anyone around him. I don't think he realized the seriousness of his action. Needless to say I was glad when the period was over. I did not say a word, but if you know me, you would know that my looks could kill...and I made a real impression on him.  

I immediately contacted his parents and the ball is now in their hands.  The mom immediately emailed me back:  

We  have taken the appropriate measures with Christian and have discussed  it with him and also expressed to him how disappointed we are in his  behavior.  Thank you for bringing this under our attention as we were under the impression that he is doing his work as he should.  We humbly  apologize for his behavior and we will start monitoring him very  closely.  Please let us know if you experience any more problems with  him as we appreciate open communication with his teachers.    

Why do children behave this way?  

Perhaps Christian was just having a bad day...I don't know what goes on at his house,but if a nine year old child behaves this way, where is he going to end up?  

He did not even want to try, he just bluntly refused.  What would happen if we all just started to refuse to do certain things?  What will this world turn into?  

I have written this off as a bad experience, and I will not hold it against him, but I have been a teacher for many years, and it is very sad to say that I have often come across that ONE child...where I think to myself...this one will probably end up in jail somewhere.  

It is a sad sad world out there! 

Parents don't spend enough time with their kids, because they have to work to be able to provide their families with the necessary things to survive in life. I am not even talking about luxuries, I am just talking about the basics to survive. Parents often don't have a choice and children are often left to fend for themselves. They are left alone during the day as there is no money for after school care and they can watch television as much as they want.  

Who is to blame here?  The parents, society, television?  

I would love to hear you answers!  

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