Have you ever felt invisible as if you don't belong anywhere?


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Have you ever felt invisible?

Have you ever felt invisible, as if you don't really fit in. In a group conversation you often say something valuable, and then you are ignored or just not noticed? Your try your best to talk sense, and to fit in with the rest of the conversation but it STILL  feels as if you are not heard? 

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Perhaps you are part of a group of people I call misfits.  

A misfit is and intelligent person, with a lot of common sense, but they are just not noticed. Usually these are strong confident people, and they are able to do anything, but they just don't fit in anywhere really.


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These kind of people make friends easily, but they are very weary of the people they choose as friends. If they have chosen a friend, they will usually go out of their way to do everything possible to support that friend. These "misfits" do not put up with nonsense, and they are not selfish, but people often think they are.  They do not follow trends or try to stay in fashion, but they are sometimes stepped upon, because people easily take advantage of them. These type of people often feel lost, as if they do not fit in anywhere, but they often have a burning desire to fit in, and because they are NOT noticed they are often left behind.  

Here are some more characteristics of a "misfit"

  • These type of people often feel angry at the world but in reality it is just the frustration building up of not really fitting in anywhere.
  • They are often seen as rebels, because most of these people have to fight to have normality in their own little worlds.
  • These people often prefer to be alone, and they don't mind being alone.  They don't need many friends or people to assure them who they are , because they can stand on their own two feet. 
  • They judge themselves harshly and are prone to depression, because they have such high standards, they often push themselves too hard, and feels as if they never get anywhere.  
  • These type of people are sometimes overly sensitive.  They get hurt easily when someone judge them and perhaps the fact that they are not noticed, plays a great roll in this.  
  • These type of people often need a specific purpose in life and they spend hours per day to try and reach their own self set goals.  They will constantly try and carry on endlessly until they reach their goals.  They are highly intelligent people and they do NOT give up.  

Ever heard the story of the ugly duckling?  These misfits, are the ugly ducklings of the world, and if you are an ugly duckling like me, just you wait...one day soon enough, you will turn into the most beautiful swan.  


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