How to quit smoking the $#@ING easy way


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This is NOT a tutorial on how to quit smoking.  If there was a tutorial then I would have followed it step by step. Letter for letter. I have searched HIGH and LOW for self help books and the only freaking books available ALL have a title that contains the words.... THE EASY WAY


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Well let me tell you! There is NO EASY WAY to get rid of an addiction. Easy means without difficulty or effort. I am putting in a lot of effort and I am doing this with great difficulty.  So easy is definitely not the right word for any self help book on how to quit smoking.  

Many people know that it is a terrible habit, BUT they still smoke. To quit smoking is one of the hardest things you could possibly do.  You need a whole lot of determination and then you need to do the "MIND SET CHANGE" It is also harder than anyone could imagine.  If you have not been through this hell, then you can say absolutely nothing at all.  


Most people start to smoke at a very young age.  This is mainly because of peer pressure and trying to be with the in crowd. When you are young you make so many stupid mistakes that you regret later in your life, and you hardly ever realize the consequences of your actions. My parents smoked, so maybe I just followed their example.  No one complained when I started to smoke, so that just gave me a reason not to quit.  


 Addiction is a condition that results when a  person ingests a substance (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) or engages  in an activity (e.g., gambling, sex, shopping) that can be pleasurable  but the continued use/act of which becomes compulsive and interferes  with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work. 

To be an addict means that you actually NEED the drug of choice.  Your body is dependent on this drug.  You do not feel normal if you don't use it.  If the drug is taken away it actually feels as if something valuable is taken away from you.  To quit smoking is to lose a dear friend.  One that has been by your side for many years, and now you have to break all contact. It is not about being weak or is all about not being able to live without this drug.  It is an emotional battle to lose something that is important to you


My parents?  My peers?  Advertisements?  Television?  Society? No...I can only blame myself.  I am now suffering the long term effects of being stupid!  We are constantly reminded that smoking is bad for our health and for the environment.  Maybe I am going through a midlife crisis? I don't know, but one of the most recent decisions I have made was to quit smoking. 

Everyone in my family still smokes.  No one is willing to give up smoking for good, so I decided that I will be the example and hopefully if they see how healthy I become, they will follow me.  

Take note that I am doing this for my own health.  I am not doing this because anyone complained, or that it affects anyone.  The decision was all mine, and because of that I am already proud of myself. 



There is not one single positive thing that I can take out of my whole addiction experience. I have lost so much money, I am scared to work out how much money I lost. Money that could have perhaps paid for a child's education.  The only thing I have gained through smoking, is a terrible cough and sleepless nights.    Hopefully if I quit now, then this cough will disappear and I might be able to live a healthier life in future.  


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  • Cold turkey!  I don't want to replace one habit with another.  No pills, stickers, chewing gum!
  • One day at a time.  If I fail, then I start again.  No one is perfect.    
  • I try and keep my hands busy. (Mostly typing) 
  • I watch motivational videos.   
  • I meditate.  There are some great meditation videos on You tube on how to quit smoking.  (I even watched a hypnotism video to quit smoking immediately)  Which obviously did not work!!!  
  • I told everyone that I decided to quit so they stay out of my way now. (If they know what's good for them they will leave me alone)
  • I look at lots of pictures and read as many articles about quitting as I possibly can. 
  • I changed my mindset.  It was difficult but I think that I have succeeded.  I am saving the money I was supposed to use for cigarettes and I am going to buy myself something special.  

I know that in the end it will ALL be worth it.  If I can just get through the next few days then I know that it will become easier.  Today is the end of day one.  So let's see if I can succeed in doing this!

I will miss you old friend....but it is time to let go forever...we had a great journey together but you are now causing me a lot of pain and suffering so it is better if we split our ways. I AM NO LONGER DEPENDENT ON YOU.  YOU HAVE RUINED MY LIFE AND I AM TAKING MY LIFE BACK!!!!


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