Why you should never give up! Some Friday motivation


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Life is full of surprises and twist and turns, ups and downs, highs and lows, and then when we can't take the pressure anymore we just give up.  I've done quite a few motivational posts on exactly this same topic, but today I want to give you a few examples of people that failed miserably and then later made a success.  This is in the stars for everyone, and if you are determined to do something great, then nothing can stop you!

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This person is one of the most know faces in the chicken world.  He is the founder of KFC.  Today he is well-known for his chicken recipe and in South Africa this is one of the most well-known businesses in the country.  He worked his whole life and had various other businesses.  He was not successful and then one day he took the bull by the horns and started promoting his chicken recipe.  His only income was a social security check of just over a hundred dollars.  

He thought people would love his chicken and made a deal with many restaurants.  They would use his recipe and if sales increased he would get a small percentage of the sales.  He drove around in his white suit and slept in his car.  He was not very successful and he was shot down over a thousand times.  Then one day, one person said yes.  It only went upwards from there on, and he was sixty two years old when he finally reached his dream.  

If you want to read some more of the life of Colonel Sanders you can read more here. 

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The person above is one of the greatest filmmakers of all times.  Steven Spielberg applied to the prestigious University of Southern California film school, and was denied twice.  He picked a different university in Long Beach and went on to direct some of the biggest blockbusters in the history of times.  Today he is worth billions and in 1994, he received an honorary degree from that same film school that rejected his twice.  

For some more interesting facts about Steven Spielberg click here.


Vincent van Gogh sold just ONE painting in his lifetime.  It was to a friend, but despite the fact that he did over seven hundred paintings, he never became famous.  Today long after his death, he is one of the most well-known artists and his most valued painting is worth around a $143 million today.  

Read more about this famous painter here. 

There are many more people like these, and I can give you a hundred more examples of people that believed in themselves and just did not give up. Some of them failed many times, but every time they got up again, started over and tried again.  

If you have a dream, you should not give up! In life, there are many times when we just don't want to do something anymore, but if you give up, you might feel miserable, and you never know how far away you were from reaching your goal.  


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