Music soothes the savage beast

I'm puppy sitting for my sister the next few weeks. I say "puppy" but really we're talking about an 80+ pound 6 year old female Bull Mastiv named Mera.

My sister and many of her friends work to rehabilitate rescued animals, and sad to say - Mera has had a really hard life. She's most likely just discovered what its like to be in a loving home (instead of chained up to tree all day, or worse) for the past 3 weeks since my sister adopted her.

Unexpectedly my sister and husband had to leave town for a few weeks due to an emergency, and there was great trepidation regarding how to care for Mera. Rightly so; they didn't feel comfortable boarding her for two weeks as the dog may feel abandoned.. so after some coordinating, I offered to take her in for a bit.

My brother-in-law dropped her off this evening, and Mera was visibly upset when he left her with me as she's become attached to their family, as well as Mera probably thought she was being ditched. (despite all her worldly possessions being along in tow) Mera started whimpering loudly and jumping at the front door wanting out when my brother-in-law left.

Wanting to calm her down, yet not wanting to do anything to spook her any more than she already was - I decided to just sit down on the floor across the room, allowing her time to notice me and approach on her own terms. She took note, and crawled up to me when ready. I pet her for a minute reassuring her that she was safe, then decided that music may calm the agitated beast.

I grabbed a laptop in reach and selected something calming. Que 'Escapist' by @bonnielegion.. aaannnd a few moments later.. we've achieved desired results. (Specifically the magic track was "Road to Nowhere")

Point of observation: Mera snores loudly.

Thank you for your pet herding assistance this evening, Miss Legion.

Cheers Steemit,


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