Adam made from eve's rib? Or why do men have nipples?

Can a man really a Guinea pig for the evolution?

It is essentially a man of us turns testosterone (male hormone).Maybe he cleans the women's internal organs in utero?
Because that can make excessive amounts of testosterone to a woman, you know.
Here is a vivid example, a photo of one of the tennis players the Williams sisters and Maria Sharapova.


Why the excess? Because testosterone woman needs! In moderation.
Here's what I found with a search (maybe it's not that we hope will correct me).

The use of male hormones for the health of women, namely testosterone is:

— regulated mood;
— improving cognitive function of the brain;
— reduced risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, some types of cancer;
— regulated muscle;
— reduced levels of cholesterol;
— increases endurance and physical strength (if it normal);
— reduces the amount of fat under the skin;
— supports normal bone tissue;
— normal development of the egg.

A particularly interesting point about the mood.
Turns out the joke is not a satisfied woman have a very real basis.

As it is well known that any man (with makeup) can be quite attractive "woman." A vivid example is Sergey Zverev.


But there are natural causes of the appearance of the "transformation" of the man to the woman. This excess amount of estrogen (a female hormone).
Moreover, the need of the female hormone male not so obvious as the necessity of the male hormone woman.

Female hormones for men carry out the following functions:
Increase bone strength;
Protection from prostate cancer;
Regulation of blood sugar and fluid balance;
Stimulation of the brain;
Ensuring normal sexual activity and erections.

There is a hypothesis that beer contains a large amount of material close to estrogen.
So men abusing beer begins to be deposited fat on the female type on the thighs. There is a "beer belly" and increases the chest.

And all of these signs it turns out that we still evolved from creatures bisexual.
And most likely it was Adam made from eve's rib, not Vice versa.

Because there is no clear answer to a very interesting question.

Why the need for male nipples?

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