What pushes people to the exploits.

It is difficult to answer this question. It is not practically possible.
First you have to understand.
What is a feat?
For some, the feat is to lie on a grenade to save the lives of comrades.
For some, the feat is to get up in the morning , do exercise and pour cold water.

But there are people who consider it crazy. Which is no mean feat, but the act of a mentally abnormal person.

Wikipedia gives this definition of heroism:

valiant, important for many people to action; a heroic deed, committed in difficult conditions.

In Russia, accustomed to associate the word "exploit" with the great Patriotic war. And in this war there were many people sacrifice their lives to save the lives of others.

For example the feat Valeria Hnarovs'ke.


Quote from Wikipedia:

On 23 September 1943 in the battle near the village of Ivanenko medic 907 th infantry regiment 244 th infantry division ordinary
Valeria hnarovs'ke pulled out on itself wounded and transported them to
dressing station. At this time in the direction of the aid station
broke two German "tiger". Saving the wounded, Valeria hnarovs'ke with
a bunch of grenades rushed under one of them and blew it, the second was
the rescue of the stricken soldiers

This little girl was only less than 20 years old.


As we now know why she did it. What pushed her to this act?
Maybe hopelessness? As the saying goes "to die with music"?
But the second tank was hit other. So you can just run away and hide. To stay alive.

So scared for the wounded, which certainly would have crushed the tank. And so to save. To give the opportunity to live on others.

I can't say whether it did. But I know for sure that it was a spontaneous, unplanned act.
I'm sure that feat could not be calculated. It is an act that is done without thinking.
And not everyone is capable of.

Although it may every. This can be understood only in an emergency.

And such situations occur not only in the war.It can occur at any time.

Here is a case of which occurred five years ago in Chelyabinsk.
In December 2012 the dam was riding a Shuttle bus. At a sharp turn driver lost control and the bus fell on the ice of the reservoir.

The driver got out and ran away.

In this bus driving 21 - year-old Pavel Rogozhin.
The guy climbed through the broken window and then, with the help of one man, started to pull out other passengers.
All were rescued seven people.

Bus safely drowned. Paul ran to the school. He was a student and was running late.
He was found three days later. In order to reward and thank.

And he could've just run away!
And no he would not be able to Express something. To accuse in something.
He's not a lifeguard!

What pushed him to stay and save others? Pity? Conscience?He would then be ashamed of?

I don't think he can clearly explain his action.

And finally.
Will there be regarded as a feat of saving a drowning dog!

I am sure a lot of people will say that is a stupid thing to do. How can you risk your life to save a dog!!!? The same recklessness.
Or not?

I don't know what pushes people to the exploits. This is clearly something at the subconscious level.
After all, our life is the main value.
It can be lost only once. And why sometimes people break up with her without hesitation, for the lives of others, I do not understand.

And most importantly.
And if I can do the same thing?
I do not know.

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