
Recently, the attitude of society to this mass phenomenon is beginning to worry. If I had noticed the majority of "embarrassment" or a kind of neutrality, but now is rather calm, and sometimes approval.


I for a long time have a direct relationship to the building of retail networks and cooperation with different types of businesses, the numbers of which always put a percentage on "theft" of both staff and customers. The average is about 2% of revenue, while growing and frightens the percentage of theft (up 5% year-on-year).

Experts have calculated that every second the world is one theft, and one in 10 buyer often likes something to endure. With the massive development of self-service is even easier.

I think all of us know the most common schemes:

  • trivial removal of the goods "on itself"
  • the eating of the goods in the
  • substitution of goods, plywood barcode
  • collusion with the cashier and other

Unfortunately, many people think only in terms of impunity, so as to catch only 10-15% of offenders, and only 1-2% will be held accountable, most get off with a small fine. And usually, the management of the stores prefers not to engage in a long "procedure" with the design of such offences (shifting losses to employees and all customers).

New technologies also have little effect on the change of the pattern as a whole and are only a point "weapon." Especially when businesses are trying to save, alternating between camera models, employing only one operator security, as well as the labels (which can shoot and know how - even children), etc.

I'm curious to understand what drives the majority that can afford to buy, but prefers to steal!? Don't tell me that the epidemic of kleptomania. I have encountered, they have a sense of shame for the offense, here the problem is the acceptance of petty theft - as a norm, not an ounce of regret!

Most such people act on their plan, check with the locations and overview of cameras, response and security unlock and scandals. Talked with, they have a philosophy, they do brag that almost "redistribution of public goods", the fight against tyranny and profits of the business... Heroes!?

Of course, in business all have been planned and costs are provided, and even employee theft is charged quiet. If the store does not fit into the plan "such damages" the missing amount is deducted from staff salaries (in fact encouraging more theft, because the deduction is often less than the amount of stealing staff). Flawed, closed system in which it is more profitable to "join the thief" than to fight and "surrender" it?

There are quite famous and interesting observation of psychologists:

10% of people will never steal, 10% will always steal and will steal, 80% is subjected to impulses of their environment (no interaction from material needs).

With our own tacit approval to the above "public morality" - for all this daily pay we are making even "honest" purchases in stores.

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