Life-Work Balance is mostly Bullshit


Life-Work Balance is mostly Bullshit

When most of the people are talking about work, they are usually thinking about a boring 9 to 5 job where they hate their boss and have to do useless stuff for a specific amount of time. Because those people don’t like doing that job they need a balance between their tedious career and life so they can get away.

A balance between your work and your life may seem healthy, but it’s usually misunderstood. For a lot of the people, a big part of their life is constituted by watching some TV or maybe playing some games for most of the time. Thus you're wasting a lot of hours.

But the work I’m thinking about is not the same described above. What if you truly love your job?

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My work is my life

The exciting part of the work-life balance is that when you love your work it becomes your life and you don’t need a balance. All you want to do is work. If you’re doing something with passion, it becomes if not your whole life at least a big part of it.

If I could, I would spend most of my time on Steem, building community, creating what I consider as being valuable content and engaging with other Steemians as often as possible. I love doing it. Thus it doesn’t feel like work at all.

You may think that I’m special or something is wrong with me because I don’t want to leave my work but it’s not like that at all. When I’m doing something that I don’t like, and it feels like work I always feel the urge to escape it, to do something more fun. When I’m on Steem, I don’t even want to go out and eat; this is how much I love being here.

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A more pleasant workspace

Maybe what makes you want to escape from your workspace is not necessarily the work itself but the people you have to work with. To work only with people that you love may not always be possible but try to find a way so you can do it either if it’s by working from home or starting a family business.

What makes me always want to post as much as I want to get paid are the people I’m interacting with, amazing Steemians that I always love to get back to.

A thing I have noticed is that when your work is exciting enough you will wake up fully refreshes, with a smile on your face and the wish to work.

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If your work is not exciting enough, you should try to orientate in some other direction. You don’t have to necessarily quit your job because you may still need to pay your expenses but at least start to build something else besides that so one day you can leave it and do what you love.

Work-life balance is not something that you should aim for but a symptom that what you're doing is not satisfying enough. This may not apply in all cases, but you should think about your life and see if your work is that satisfying or not.

Because I love what I’m doing my work is just a game. Try to find something similar for you.

The pictures are from Pixabay: Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3.


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