Dream / 梦 | "谷哥点名" 第三回

This is my entry to the 3rd round of @jubi's google ranking activity. Subject is "Dream".
After 1st round of this activity, I thanked @jubi for this activity because I could save effort on thinking about what to write. As that time, I was too naive to believe that I won't have problem writing an article based on whatever subject provided. And now I bumped into a high wall! How can I talk about "Dream"?

第三次參加@jubi 的"谷哥点名"活動。這回的題目是"梦"。
第一次"谷哥点名"之後,我還多謝@jubi 發起這個活動,因為我可以不用想文章的題材了。天真的我還真以為自己是什麼題材都可以「手到拿來」。結果現在就碰壁了!「梦」可以怎樣寫呢?


As stated in @jubi's post, this "Dream" can be the one you made at night. OK, what dream I had before that worth sharing in Steemit (without being classified as rubbish?)

  • Those NSFW dreams? Definitely not.
  • The one I beat NBA stars in a 3-on-3 match but nobody actually care about my victory (even in a dream)? If nobody care even in my own dream, who will care about it in real life?
  • Those weird dream that I can't even describe? As said, I can't even described them, how can I write them down.
    So this "dream" won't work.

那麼就從@jubi文章找靈感吧。@jubi 不是說過晚上發的梦也可以嗎?要跟大家分享那一個梦呢?

  • NFSW 梦嗎? 不成!
  • 那個我在3對3的籃球賽,戰勝NBA球星,但全場觀眾依然無視我的那一個梦? 連梦中都被無視,現實世界會有關注嗎?
  • 還是那些古靈精怪的,連我自己都說不出是什麼的梦? 既然連我都說不出是什麼,又怎樣寫出來呢?



@jubi also mentioned something as big as "China Dream". Being a lowly citizen of a small city in China, Our so called "Hong Kong Dream" had bursted for years, how can we talk about "China Dream"?

那麼@jubi 所說的,偉大的「中國梦」呢? 像我們這班居住在中國二線城市的蟻民,我們的「香港梦」都已經發完了,那有資格去談「中國梦」呢?

OK, I have no choice but to write my "Dreams" to you. At different stage of my life, I have different dreams. When I was still an university student, my family was so poor that going overseas seems untouchable to me. Would I be able to take a plane and go to other countries? That was something I asked myself every evening when I went home.

只剩下「梦想」一頂了。在人生的不同階段,我有過不同的梦想。當我還是大學生的時候,因為家境清貧,沖出香港對我來說是遙不可及的事。 每天黃昏回家時, 我總會望着天空,想着:「這一輩子我可能坐飛機離開香港嗎?」


Just like other teenagers, young men, they dream about girls, wives and families. I was no exception.


After I started my career, I day-dreamed about being a team leader or even a manager of a team of engineers. I hope that I would have chance to work with foreigners, in other countries, etc.



I do believe many people dream about being very rich. so do I!


Now, my biggest dream is to give my family a healthy and happy life until they can all take care themselves!


As I grow older and older, some of my dreams came true and some remain dreams to me still. But when I looked back, I realized that my dreams didn't come true by nothing. They came true because I put on lots of effort, with a lot of help from many people together with some luck. If I didn't pursue hard enough, most of them will still be unreachable.



So my friends, don't just dream, action now and make your own dreams come true!



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