Unspoken Rules of Office (2) / 辦公室潛規則 (二)

In my previous post, I talked about Rule #2 of the Unspoken Rules of office, let's go on now to next one.

Unspoken Rules of Office (1) / 辦公室潛規則 (一)



Rule 3 : If it is under your responsibility, do it! If not, let other people do it.

第三條 : 係你嘅就要做, 唔係你嘅就俾返人做。

At the first look, it seems like asking you to push away works, but it is not. It is about having the right person who has the right tools and authority to do the job. If you are not properly equipped, you simply cannot have the job done.



Without the right tool, no matter if it is software, hardware, human resources or internal procedure, you name it, you need to spend extra effort to compensate the gap which means waste of resources. Those resources will definitely give better ROI to you and your company if they were used at appropriate areas.



Authority is even more difficult to overcome, sometimes it is impossible to do so. When you need to confront with other people's authorities, you will piss others off. They will become very defensive, don't be surprise if they tried to set you up, it is clear that they won't cooperate at all. At this point of time, you probably can bid farewell to your success.



My personal experience, about 3.5 years ago, shortly after I joined this company, there was a dispute about project implementation lead time. Lots of finger pointings and finally the source of problem was identified, the order processing procedure! I was responsible for the implementation team, which was at the latest stage of the whole project cycle. However, my boss asked me to lead the process for reengineering of Order Processing Procedure!!! The process belonged to other department which was completely out of my control and responsibility.

As suggested above, i got tremendous push back from all other departments, no one cooperated with me. I could not push anyone to do anything because I didn't have any authority over them. The whole thing dragged on for over half year and finally head of the other department actually asked me to step down and let his man take the lead instead. A complete failure of me, althought on one blame me for that, I felt upset for quite some time.



就如上面所提到的一樣,其他部門的人當然完全不會給我任何協助支援。 他們就是一副不合作的態度。亦因為我沒有任何權限去安排,推動其他部門去跟進這個項目,整個項目在拖拉了半年之後,就在其他部門的頂頭總監要求之下,由我手中送回到他們旗下繼續跟進。雖然沒有人怪責我不能完成這工作,但是對我來說卻是一個極度挫敗的經驗。


So far we had talked about 2 rules which seems to be legitimate, and I believe we should be following them in our daily work life. The rest may or may not apply (to you), I hope that I will have chance to talk about some of them later.


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