Motivation: 5 Ways to Live a Simple Life today

Living a simple life is a very sweet thing, but simplifying itself is a very strenuous process.

So I will suggest simplicity in your simplifying..

Simplifying your entire life or clearing out all the useless things or arranging your schedule to just meditating or novel writing, instead of all this.... how about simplifying just a single thing.

Making a single thing simple is very easy and you have all the time in the world to simplify everything if you want to do all that.

Having a simple life is the way

Life is as simple as these three questions: What do I want? Why do I want it? And, how will I achieve it?
Shannon L. Alder

So you can select one of the ideas below and use it today. It it works out for you, you can continue tomorrow or try another of the ideas and most importantly DO IT WITH A SMILE

  1. Single-Tasking. If you want to do something next, do it only. Close everything, keep your phone away, and singlemindedly focus on that task. If you want to read this write up, stay with it fully and do nothing else till u finished reading it. If you want to navigate the social media, go through them one at a time and do it with a lot of mind. If you want to take a stroll, don’t listen to music or have sth to be looking at, other than the nature and appreciate it. Do a single thing at a time, wash one plate, just read, just eat. And this is a simple action that’s very doable.

  2. Take your time to have a break to reflect and meditate. After you successfully complete a task, instead of delving to the next task, take a pause. Enjoy this break, take note of how you are feeling, everything around you, what have you just completed, and what’s your next step, even if you are going somewhere, be it the office, clinic or class...... just enjoy this break fully as it’s equally as important as every tasks you do and don’t skip it.

  3. Learn to lessen Commitments Many of us have our hands full all because we say yes to so many things, and we end up with so much commitments that pile over time. If it doesn’t benefit you, what’s the big deal if you just get out of it by saying that you don’t have space for it? Learn how to say No with confidence and affection.

  4. With another person, be fully present with them. Select someone to be with today, put away your cellphone, let’s go of any unnecessary thoughts and just be with them. Try to understand them fully, listen to them, open your heart and mind to them. If you can successfully do this with a single person per day, you will have a more simpler life which becomes better through proper communication and better relationships and connections.

  5. Have a Clear Space. Have a single area at home or work and clear it. Have a space that you can have a peaceful mind and meditate. An example is having a little space at a corner in your house and this can be a peaceful oasis that radiates simplicity in the rest of your life.

These five simple things you can do easily no matter what’s going on in your life today—Don’t think of doing all five at once, just select a single one

and enjoy all the simplicity associated with life.

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