My Favorite Star Wars Announcement of the Year... and Some People are Calling it a Flop.

I normally like to keep my posts nice and positive. But a few minutes ago, I clicked on a story from Yahoo Movies U.K. titled: Huge Star Wars Announcement was Bantha Sized Flop.

I don't know. This doesn't look like a "flop" so far...

Being the Star Wars fanatic I am, I saw the words "Star Wars Announcement" and simply had to click.

When I did, I got a little angry. I was not upset about the announcement. In fact, I loved it!

The source of my irritation was that the author thought the announcement was a "flop".

Clearly I am a huge Star Wars geek. I'm pretty sure I'm even wearing Star Wars underwear right now... yep I sure am. But even I understand that there are things in this galaxy far more important than Star Wars such as ...

Helping people!

What was this "flop" of an announcement?

A new Force for Change fundraising initiative has just been kicked off today.

Force for Change is a Star Wars themed fundraiser that offers donors entries into a raffle to win amazing Star Wars based experiences.

This year the top prizes are:

  • Spend the night at Skywalker Ranch

  • Visit the set of the upcoming Han Solo movie and have a chance to appear in the film

  • Join forces with the cast at the premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi

A "flop" of an announcement? Those prizes are amazing!

In addition, you can get some pretty cool Star Wars swag based on the amount of your donation.

For a $100 donation you get 1000 entries and this awesome shirt!

You can see all of the options here.

But even those prizes and swag aren't the best part of the announcement. The best part is that even if you don't win, your donations support Unicef and The Starlight Children's Foundation.

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Unicef is a charity founded by the United Nations General Assembly in 1946. Its goal was "to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II." Today it continues to provide "humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries." (wikipedia)

What does The Starlight Children's Foundation do?

Starlight brings joy and comfort to hospitalized children and their families.

I dug a little deeper and found these Starlight programs:

Starlight Brave Gowns

Instead of wearing boring hospital gowns, kids with life threatening conditions get to wear themed gowns that transform them into astronauts, cowboys, princesses or other fun things.

Starlight Fun Centers

"Starlight Fun Centers offer online access to family-friendly video games movies and other programs through mobile entertainment units that can go anywhere in the hospital."

Starlight Product Philanthropy

Starlight donates toys, games, stuffed animals, books and craft materials to kids with life threatening conditions.

Starlight Sites

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Starlight creates playrooms, playgrounds and lounges for patients and their parents. These allow kids with life threatening conditions to socialize with other kids!

Starlight Visits

Kids and their families get an opportunity to have their spirits raised by visits from some of their favorite celebrities, athletes and characters.

I fail to see the "flop".

Instead, I see the most important Star Wars related announcement of the year (yes even more important than the Disney Parks Star Wars lands).

May The Force (for change) be with you!

*All proceeds from this post will be donated to

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