The Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo is taking place this weekend. I will be one of the over 75,000 people attending.

C2E2's tag line is "The Con Chicago needs. The Con you deserve!"
Why did Chicago need and deserve a new convention if we already had a giant Comic Con?
Like all good geeks, I started attending Chicago Comic Con as soon as the first member of my gaggle of dorks got his license and could drive our pimply faces and empty wallets to Rosemont Illinois. From 1987 until 2010 it was the one weekend that I always marked on my imaginary calendar (I would just lose real ones).
Unfortunately, in around 2008, Comic Con began to become so expensive and crowded, that it was becoming less and less fun. In addition, several of the big name vendors stopped attending the event. After that, the only reason I continued to attend was my son. He really enjoyed dressing in Star Wars costumes and interacting with the thousands of people enjoying their Cosplay. (He also loved buying a ton of toys there).
But that all came to a screeching halt in 2010. That year, the combination of the enormous crowd and my son's tiny size made me feel that it was incredibly unsafe. I honestly felt like he might get trampled by Batmen, Spider-Men, Dr. Whos, and Slave Leais (ok if my son wasn't there that last one wouldn't have been so bad).

Now imagine this crowd doubled...
In an effort to escape, I plopped Timmy on my shoulders and headed toward the one and only entrance/exit. I simply could not make it safely through the crowd. There were too many people rushing in (and this was an hour after the doors opened). Because I simply had to get him out, I scanned the area and spotted an opening in one of the temporary walls.
Next to it, stood a uniformed security guard.

Actual footage
As I approached the opening, the guard stopped me and said, 'You can't leave this way."
I pled my case and explained that I could not find a safe path to the entrance/exit.
The guard did not care.
Because he would not let me leave through this vacant exit, I simply asked, "OK then. Can you please call security to escort my son and I to the exit?"
The guard became annoyed and said, "Well I don't have a walkie-talkie. I can't call anyone!"
I responded, "So you are telling me that you can't call anyone? So if I simply walk past you, you can't do a single thing unless you leave this post wide open to chase me? Once you catch me, what will you do?"
The guard got a very serious look on his face and sternly said, "I'll kick you out."
He wasn't kidding. He did not recognize the absurdity of this interaction.
But I did.
I began to shake my head and giggle. Then the giggle transformed into a full belly laugh. Gasping for air, I said, "Perfect!".
Then, with my son safely seated on my shoulders, I calmly strolled out the only safe exit.
The guard did not follow.
My son and I have not returned since.
Luckily for us, earlier that year, the company reedpop had begun their own version of a comic, toy, art and entertainment convention. They called it...

C2E2 is the abbreviation for the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo. It is an annual convention for all things geek held in Chicago's McCormick Place (the largest convention center in the area). I have been attending this convention since it began in 2010. It was created in a response to many fans' (like me) dissatisfaction with Chicago's Wizard World Comic Con.
Although this convention is a bit smaller than Comic Con... it is so much cooler.
They attract the best vendors including both Marvel and D.C. There are incredible autograph opportunities (although I don't really care about autographs). There are fun contests for both kids and adults. You can see sneak peeks of upcoming geektastic movies. There are panel discussions with the cast of science fiction or fantasy movies and tv shows. Just about every aisle has some kind of cool free give aways... and there are toys. Miles and miles of toys.

A screen shot from the website. Check it out.
If you'd like to see a Boba Fett prototype action figure with a firing backpack, you will be able to see one at C2E2 (if you happen to have about $150,000 you can even buy it... I wonder if they will take steem?)
If you'd like to see a preview of all the cool toys, movies, video games, and comic books coming out over the next year, you will be able to see it at C2E2.
If you'd like to meet comic book legends Stan Lee or Frank Miller, they will be there.
If you'd like to meet Hacksaw Jim Duggan and get a block of wood autographed, he is usually there just sitting at a table next to other vendors.
You'll also get to see about 150 Wonder Women, Cat Women, Black Widows, Scarlet Witches and Slave Leias...

And perhaps a Harley Quinn or two...
Why am I still writing this?
The doors open in two hours. I have to go!