How Steemit Has Changed My Life!

Before I can tell you about how steemit has changed my life, I need to tell you a little bit about me. I have suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for many years and it really impacts my life as far as my ability to work. It's difficult for me to hold any full time job or even part time job, because day-to-day my symptoms vary and I never know really how I am going to be feeling or what I will be capable of that day. It's an invisible disease that prevents me from contributing to my family as much as I would like to.

My husband is a very hard worker and he wakes up early every morning and goes to work for a full day, comes home very tired and I am thankful for all that he does to provide for our family. We manage to get by thanks to my little income and his working, trying to save money where we can and shop for bargains etc. But things are always tight and sometimes I find myself worrying about bills and this only adds to the difficulties that my disease already causes me.

Fast forward to several months ago when I was first introduced to steemit by a friend and I am so glad that I was because it has already changed my life for the better. As you can see from looking at my wallet and my posts, I have not made as much as other users on here, never had a hot or tending post, but from what I have earned so far the money has changed my life in helping me to do more for my family. What steemit has allowed me to earn has made me feel like I can contribute more value to my family and I am very thankful to the steemit community and those working behind the scenes who have made this site possible.

Not only has the money helped but I have also learned a lot of new things from being here. Before coming on steemit I never even had a facebook account, no twitter, no youtube, no instagram, didn't use the computer much at all. But now thanks to steemit I try to check it every single day and it has inspired me to learn about what the heck cryptocurrencies are like bitcoin and steem and I have also learned a lot about other topics as well thanks to the people who post such great content here.

For the rest of the year I hope to continue posting good content on the site and upvoting and supporting others in the community as well. I will also be looking to build up my steem power and make a long term investment and stick around for a long time yet to come, I believe in steemit! Thanks again to those behind steemit for creating something that really has changed my life for the better and for my family.


PLEASE FOLLOW ME @happyhousewife

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