Come See Bali's Famous Holy Spring Water Temple 🕌💦😍 (Such a Treasured and Sacred Site that Obama Visited Here Last Month for its Healing Power!)


Barrack Obama, former President of the USA can go anywhere he wants in the entire world and he chose to visit here, Bali Indonesia, staying mere minutes away from my house!

Money and time are no object for someone in his position and whatever he does is watched and broad-casted to everyone so it was quite the fuss when he was hanging around this small town. The skies were alive with the sounds of fireworks and his name could be heard being screamed as fans spanned out across the area for a chance to see him in person.In case you want to catch up on the famous family's travel here in Indonesia, here's an article detailing it.

It was last month that he arrived to our sunshiney paradise on vacation with his family and it seemed like the whole island was talking about it! Of all the things he could have done or seen in this wonderful world of ours, he not only chose this island but while here, he visited a famous holy temple... a temple that is only 45 minutes away from me! The media frenzied over Obama's nonchalant visit to the crystal waters. I know I live in a very special place but sometimes I get so used to it that its magnificence slips my mind. This was a reminder not to take advantage of the fact that I am so fortunate to be here in this truly magical place.

I have heard wonderful things about this temple, and have had 2 friends now offer to bring me- surely, it must be something I needed to see! Since I am refocusing and remembering to enjoy life outside of my computer screen(as per my article a couple of days ago), I thought "What a great adventure!" So I left my little sanctuary and I went! Here is my experience to share with you so it's like you got to come along too :)


A yellow umbrella sits within the clearest waters imaginable, this is my favorite photo of the day.

Looking out into the clear waters was such a peaceful, calming, relaxing experience. I could feel my mind getting lost in the waters as the birds from above dove down gracefully, collecting water in their peaks so gently. Like dancers they swarmed above, swooping in and out like trained professionals, giving me the show of their lives!

But let's not get ahead of ourselves, this picture was taken near the end of my day- let's go back to the beginning!


As you drive up the road to this magical place, you'll see people walking in and out, dressed in lovely ceremonial clothes, trees of varying heights and stature lining the way in, flowers of every color every time you turn around. The air is light, there is drifting smells from the offerings in the wind and a calmness quality that overtakes the senses.


I had to take a photo of this tree- it was so magnificent! I could almost hear the wisdom of its age, as it towered over me, greeting me with such grace and power when I entered.


Tirta Empul Temple (Indonesian: Pura Tirta Empul) is a Balinese water temple located just outside of Ubud, near the town of Tampaksiring, Bali, Indonesia. The temple compound consists of a petirtaan or bathing structure, famous for its holy spring water where people gather for ritual purification. The temple pond has a spring which gives out fresh water regularly, which is considered to be holy (having healing powers.) Read more here!


Bali has sculptures like this one here everywhere at entrances. They are called A Dvarapala which means "door guard" or "door guardian" in Sanskrit. They are always intricately carved and are truly marvelous works of art! These guards are usually large and gruesome looking! They're generally supposed to be intimidating and often are carrying a weapon. I used to see them and think they were there to scare me from entering until I learned more about them. They are placed strategically to protect properties, especially holy places like temples and palaces. See Wiki for more!

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Once inside the gates, there were many people, in all areas of the compound- some in the waters, purifying themselves, some praying, some (many) taking photos....

You are given a sarong to wear when you enter the compound to walk around in but do not get this wet! If you wish to enter the healing waters, there are a few rules which I'll tell you about in case you want to go!

  • You must have your own sarong to wear when you enter
  • Women must tie their hair back
  • Women cannot enter during menstruation
    This is a religious, sacred site and it's important to show utmost respect here. 💜

Here are the healing waters. Water so clear you could drink from it...

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Around the corner, you'll see these gentle coy fish swimming in a bunch of coins! Kind of like some minnows I know ;)


Remember to keep hair tied back when entering sacred areas! Here I enter the main plaza where rituals and prayers are being offered at the back of the shot.


If you walk through this area, you'll come to my favorite part- where I took the photo of the yellow umbrella. This is the source of the spring. The water comes from underground here and it's difficult resisting the urge to jump into the waters and drink from such a pristine, natural source that is rare to come by!

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Look across the water into the incredible canopy of green trees!


I had a smile that radiated with joy from all of the sounds, sights and smells flooding my senses!

Taking a walk around the pond, just behind the gate is another gift from nature!


My heart was filled with beauty! There was so much incredible magic in one place, I had that permanent smile on my face... I was looking into the sky, marveling at the hue of blue it was when this lovely gift appeared!


I'm sure you've realized by now that I LOVE flowers! Look what was waiting for me just under my nose!

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Well Obama, I must say your travel agent and/or scheduling staff did you well!

This was an amazing experience! I left feeling like I was floating on air. I hope you'll get the chance to visit this very special, rare site one day and if not, I hope my post makes you feel like you're walking there with me! These are the experiences I had been missing and am determined to get back ;) Stay tuned for more to come!

Sending you love,

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