More Confessions: That Time I Ended Up Working for a Drug Runner Pt 7! Oh, you thought it was CRAZY before this? Not even close to what it's getting to now! 😨😬😱💀

Danger, murder, drugs and bottles of rum... bags of cash are fun and all until there's blood involved! Kat was on the loose, a wild, hot mess fueled by some mystery concoction and danger was staring her in the eyes!

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Kat, early 2014 ready to rumble

If you've yet to read the series, here is Part 1
Trying to make sense of everything going wrong in Part 2
My confusion and panic in Part 3
My favourite, the reveal of the terrifying secret Part 4.
An intro to Kat Part 4.5
The more you know Part 5
And most recently Kat gone wild Part 6

Confessions of a Vagabond:
The Next Chapter: "Remember the Time I Worked for a Drug Runner in Punta Cana PT 6"
A gypsy life bought to you by @heart-to-heart
From January 2014- June 2017 I have been what you would call a vagabond, a nomad, even a gypsy by definition of the words. I had what they all have in common: no fixed home...and no fixed income but the wildest stories.

Kat was on the loose, drowning in some mystery liquid whenever he caught her eye.

A swirling head in a room where the music was connected to my heartbeat, sweat-covered bodies gyrating against each other in every direction and my heart now exploding in my stomach. I swung around on my heel, searching for a way to get out of this about-to-be-disaster but, his targeted eyes stayed fixated on mine. He had zoned in on me and was coming at me like a starving lion, who had just come across an unsuspecting gazelle in the field. Nowhere to run, nowhere to turn, I decided to ‘play dead.’ I stood where I was, feet firmly planted and just stared straight into the abyss.

Knowing my doom was coming was a daunting experience. My hairs pricked up on my arms, my heartrate increased, breathing quickened, palms began sweating. I searched in my mind for myself… where was I? Did Kat completely take over me? How was I going to get through this?

Eventually after elbowing through the crowded club, Kyle ended up inches from my face.

“Well, look what we have here.” He said in about the most arrogant way possible, his arms now grasping my waist.

I just looked down at the ground, willing the right thing to say to come to me but my mind was blank. The music was syncing to my thoughts and I couldn’t overcome Kat… I just hoped with everything I had that she wouldn’t make it worse.

I know I have mentioned Kyle to you here and there throughout this story but to give you a better idea, let me describe him for you.

He was about 6 foot something, tall and average build. Dark hair, buzzed down super short and a scruffy unshaven (but looks deliberate) thing going on on his face. His eyes were… dangerous. Looking into them it was obvious he had some dark history but that was none of my business and honestly, I didn’t want to know. His tanned body was gently leathered from spending so many days out on the beach promoting. He always wore over-sized clothing with large graphics on the front (usually sequined or shiny metals and camo-print.)

He was tattooed with various images including one terrifying spider on his forearm. A piece he bragged about getting when he was “doing his time.” If I am not painting the picture enough for you yet, add in some smoke-stained teeth and a foul odour ever present on his breath, along with a gutting smile that was the posterchild of a salesman. He had a way of making things happen, coercing things into place, misdirecting your thoughts into benefiting him. All of this while at his side, a very large, very aggressive Rottweiler was there to snarl if you even so much as looked at his owner the wrong way.

You know how they say dogs can look like their owners....

Standing there in the heat of the club with the music blaring so loud we could hardly hear each other, Kyle pulled on my arm, yanking me towards the back door. Where was Adam? Probably hiding like a little *&^%$ I would imagine.

“Alright kid, what do you know?” Kyle wanted to know as soon as we had gotten out of the door, into the back alley.

“Know about what?” I asked him. Kat was speaking though so it came out sly and almost sultry. I wanted to smack myself in the face.

“Don’t play games with me honey. I don’t have time for this %^&* I need to get this bar open and you’re out here, making me chase you all over this damn place!”

Kat liked that.

“Oh, looking for me were you big boss? So sorry… I was only trying to have fun.”

She looked up at him with huge blue eyes, and batted them with a practiced charm.

“Ok kid. Here’s what’s up. You’re going to do what I tell you to do from now on. No more of this running around, causing me a headache %^&* alright? I need to be able to rely on my staff for &^%$’s sake… I can’t have you running around telling people our business.”


Kat looked deep into his eyes.

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“What exactly do you think I am ‘up to’?”

“The boats damn it, Chris… &*%$ I don’t know! You know too much! You’re a liability. I can’t have you out here anymore. It’s too dangerous. I can’t risk you saying anything that will jeopardize this for us. You’re going to have to stay in the apartment. Come’on.”

With that he sunk his fingers into my forearm and pulled me alongside the road with such sudden force that I fell to my knees.

“Get up &^%$! You’re causing a %^&*ing scene!” He started pulling again before I had gotten up and my legs were scraping along the sand.

“Just wait Kyle!”

I managed to choke out. Kat was slowly relenting, letting me take back over. The pain in my legs was triggering tears in my eyes and fear was easing into my reality as the rum began to fade with the music that was drifting away into the night as we got further and further away.

At this point, we emerged from the lonely dark alley and bumped right into a very intoxicated Adam.

“Oh &^%$! Hi guys! What’s up Kyle?”

Adam slurred as he threw his arm around Kyle and started balancing on him, hardly able to stand straight, let alone walk at our (Kyle’s) pace.

“Shut up Adam, we’re all going home, right &^%*ing now! You all are stressing me the &%$^ out! You’re going to make us lose everything if you don’t get it together! *&^%!”

There was so much swearing in that conversation that I barely even knew what Kyle was saying. I just knew that he was not a happy camper and it meant a prison sentence for us.

Kyle was dragging us both back to the apartments. Me, because I was unwilling to go and Adam, because he was physically incapable. Some people interjected and asked what was going on along the way but Kyle's grip tightened, signaling me to stay quiet while he spoke Spanish back to them and presumably told them everything was fine because they always walked away after. I don't know what I would have wanted them to do anyway...

When we got back to the house, Kyle pulled us both by our forearms and tossed us like luggage into my place and once we were inside, said some horrible, un-repeatable words and then slammed the door, threatening us to stay inside until further notice.

This was not the vacation I was expecting. Now, being back at home and no longer being harassed by Kyle, I could gather my surroundings and thoughts again… oh wait… my thoughts were drowned in that mystery liquid from earlier. Kat decided to come back as she was bored and had nothing better to do and suddenly like a wave of relief, I accepted my imprisonment.

Adam flung himself down on my sofa and started fidgeting with my computer. He grabbed me by my legs and pulled me down into him.

“Honey, don’t stress. It’s going to be just fine. Let’s just watch a movie. Do you have any on this computer?”

I sighed in deeply. I mean, on one hand he was right. What could we do? I wasn’t about to mess with Kyle that was for sure and I was here, with no where else to be so, I guess I would just have to accept it as it was and be happy that I wasn’t completely alone even if my partner was a bit of a lying backstabber…

We switched on The Great Gatsby one of my favourite books and movies of all time. I had it saved on my computer and at that point had watched it every time I was traveling anywhere. That meant that I had ended up watching it enough times to know it so intricately that I could star in it if ever given the opportunity! I felt like Gatsby was the love of my life. I had pegged him to fit the man I left back in the states like a glove. They were the same in my mind and so, it was like watching my heart break on screen. I was deeply connected to it. I saw it as a key to my own life, to my own love and it cut me like a knife.

I can't watch this scene without balling my eyes out.

Adam had never read the book or seen the movie (at that time the movie had just recently come out) and so when my favourite scene came on and I stood up animatedly, reciting the words cue for cue with the movie, Adam became vulnerable. Seeing me get so emotional about the movie and having me cry in his arms over my lost love awoke something inside of him.

As Gatsby was explaining how he met Daisy and how that connection had changed his life, tears overtook me and my heart writhed in pain. The rum amplified it and I found myself in a dizzying fit of sobbing into Adam’s shoulder.

He stroked my hair and held me close and a humanness showed up in his eyes that I had never seen before. He told me that he was sorry, that he should never have put me in this situation and that he had never felt someone’s pain in this way before. I felt like I could see bricks falling off of him, like his walls were crumbling down and as he held me, comforting me with his newfound sincerity… drunk and feeling sickened with remorse he began to confess everything.

“I’m sorry I put you in this situation” he started through sniffling and clearing his throat “I never meant to put you in any harm… it’s just that Chris… well, he’s on the run and it's a %$^&ing nightmare... the guy %$^&ing murdered someone man... it's just a %^$&show. I'm so, so sorry...”

I'm sure you can understand why I am going to end it here for today... I don't want to give ya'll a heart attack. It's taken me years to process the next part- stay tuned for part 8! ;)


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