My First Halloween Party

If you grew up in USA or Canada, you probably celebrated Halloween like in the movies. Wore a costume, went trick or treating and maybe even went to "hunted house". Just like in the movies.

Where I grew up (Israel), we didn't have Halloween. We had something else called "Purim". In Purim you dress up and have a costume party, and even have a Jewish ritual to give of fancy food gifts to friends. You probably think it's sound nice, and it sure is. Yet my friends and I always thought Halloween is way cooler than Purim. Maybe it's because of the spooky vibe of Halloween or maybe it's because we always saw it in movies.

Few years ago, a friend of mine, who had an American roommate at the time, decided to have a Halloween party in his house. They bought Halloween decoration from US and even made some spooky looking snacks. They did a great job making it look like in the movies.

It was s great night and everyone enjoyed at the party. Not sure if it because of the party's theme or because it just was a great party. Anyway it was nice to celebrate different Holiday from different culture.

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