1 457 Days Ago.. Was The Last Time I Saw My Father. - I Never Believed in Reincarnation until Today.

This is not fiction. This is a true story. My story.

What is Reincarnation?

Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious concept that an aspect of a living being starts a new life in a different physical body or form after each biological death. It is also called rebirth or transmigration, and is a part of the Saṃsāra doctrine of cyclic existence.

Now when we've cleared that, I can say that I've never believed in reincarnation. Not once. I'm not a religious person. I do believe in "something" but not an almighty god or anything like that.

I suffer from panic anxiety and I've been doing that for the past 4 years now.. Ever since my father passed away. The thing is, that my father died in front of me. I tried to revive him but I couldn't. I did everything I could.. And I failed. It was impossible. - He died at home.

Due to the anxiety and the frequent panic attacks I have, I ultimately met a psychologist. I've been seeing her for the last 2 years now.

Anyhow, I thought I'd share this story with you..

I went to the Memorial Garden today. (I think that's the name for it in English?) Perhaps it's Memorial grove or place..?

However, I went there today. I've only been there 2 times since my father passed away. So this was the third time. The first time I went there I went with my mother and my older brother. The second time, I went there with my shrink. The third time, today, I went there by myself.

Truth to be told.. It was one of the hardest things I've done in life.

Despite the anxiety and despite the panic I had .. I arrived at the Memorial Garden.

  • It's beautiful. It truly is wonderful.

I sat down and took a few breaths before I started to talk. I talked loud and clear. I told my father that I was there. I told him that I did everything I could to help my mother and so on..

I explained things to him.. And I also told him that I miss him.

After a few minutes of talking I asked him to give me strength so I could endure and manage everything that happens in my life right now..

  • And this is the amazing part of this story.. At least it is for me.

A bird came flying at that exact moment and sat down on top of the stone.

You can see it here:

I know it's not the best picture but I only had my phone with me and I didn't want to scare the bird by going closer.

The bird played around for a bit on top of the stone. You see, it's water coming down from there. It's a water tap. So the bird drank some water and probably wanted to cool off a bit.. So the bird played around in the water for a while.

So at the exact moment when I asked my father for strength and during the time I sat there on the bench and talked to my father about life and everything that happens right now.. This bird sat there.. The whole time.

  • Was it my father?

I don't know. How could anyone tell..?

The thing is.. That I don't believe in these kind of things.. But after today.. Even if I won't go that far to say that I'm a believer.. I do have a more open mind to it at least. And I wish it was him.

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