Das Wort Gottes

Mittelholzer-haileselassie.jpg Photo von Walter Mittelholzer (1894-1937) - Own scan from book "Abessinienflug" by Walter Mittelholzer, published in 1934 in Switzerland (publisher: "Verlag Schweizer Aero-Revue" in Zürich)., Gemeinfrei, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3681090






Inspiriert von den Worten von H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I (siehe Interviewausschnitt unten)

und der Empfehlung von "Prophet Gad" Dr. Vernon Garrington

"Read your bible one chapter a day from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 and find the truth for yourself.

To understand fully I would recommend to read timely.

Still everybody is free to read how he wants to read."

Interview with Pro. Gad textformat / Interview with Pro. Gad audioformat

möchte ich eine neue Serie starten.

Durch meine Studien bin ich auf die Scofield Bibel, Revidierte Elberfelder Übersetzung, und somit schließlich zur KJV (King James Version) gelangt.

Ich weiß nicht ob es dies bei anderen Bibelübersetzungen auch gibt, aber bei der KJV Scofield Study System fand ich eine Ausgabe "Red Letter Edition" - in dieser sind alle mündlichen Aussagen unseres Herrn und Erlösers in rot gedruckt.

Das hat mich dazu inspiriert, doch mal alles was als mündliche Aussagen des HERRN in der Bibel zu finden zu sammeln.

Dies möchte ich in dieser Serie versuchen, und zwar von Genesis 1 bis Offenbarung 22.


Haile Selassie Christmas Interview with Dr. Oswald Hoffmann (1968)

by Haile Selassie, translated by Haile Selassie I Press

Dr. Hoffmann: Your Imperial Majesty, what advice would you give a person who is considering the claims of Christ, perhaps for the first time?

H.I.M.: I would tell a person who was considering the claim of Christ for the first time that it is necessary to have faith in the Almighty, that it is necessary to have love, and that it is necessary to conduct oneself in a manner that we have been taught to do in the Bible.

I would also advise him to seek the secular knowledge, for the more one knows the more he realises the need for a prime mover, the need for a Creator, a Creator who is good, and the need for salvation and also for peaceful life upon earth.

I would also tell him to learn and to think for himself the ways he would serve the Lord. In this thought and in this undertaking of his he will inevitably find the way of serving his fellow men. For his faith would then be manifested by His conduct. If Christians behave in this way, if we dedicate ourselves to this fundamental task, then we will have a peaceful world and will be assured of not transgressing against the will and the Commandments of God.

Haile Selassie Christmas Interview with Dr. Oswald Hoffmann (1968)
by Haile Selassie, translated by Haile Selassie I Press


"Jesus sagte zu ihm: Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben; niemand kommt zum Vater außer durch mich."

Evangelium nach Johannes 14, 6 - Einheitsübersetzung

Falls jemand der an der Materie interessiert ist Probleme mit der Englischen Sprache hat, bitte einen Comment da lassen, dann werde ich die Texte übersetzen.




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