Add Joy to Your Life By Trading 'Stuff' For Experiences

We live in a material society, where the main goal seems to be the accumulation of stuff. We aim to buy the best cars and houses and then of course, we have to fill them with even more stuff.

The idea that western society puts into our heads is that more stuff we have, the more happy we will be.

But is this really the case?

Does having all these material possessions actually make us happy?

More and more people are coming to the conclusion that all this stuff just weighs us down and adds to the stress of life. Mortgages that take a lifetime to pay off, the repair costs and maintenance of cars. Is it all really worth it?

There is beginning to be a trend towards minimalization, owning less and living more simple lives. Books like “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo are selling in the thousands.

We need to focus less on buying things and owning things.

Does this mean that we need to give away all our belongings or our house?

No, of course not!

But spending a little time decluttering and getting rid of some things is liberating. Look at everything you own and ask yourself "do I love this item?", if the answer is 'no' it goes. No excuses.

My flat is a work in progress at the moment, there is so much stuff I need to go through, but I have got rid of least four bin bag fulls of stuff this last week.

Instead of spending all this money on fancy cars, furniture, the latest golf clubs, why not save that money and take the family (or yourself) on a trip?

You will create amazing memories, increase happiness and feel sheer joy. And its quality time if you choose to go with your family.

When both my daughters are 6, I plan to take them on volunteering holidays, so that we get fantastic memories and are able to help people too. I'd like to try and instill in them how wonderful it is to help people and be able to help people.

Maybe a vacation is out of question. But think of how you can create memories, instead of buying socks for Dad, or a book for your Mom, think of something that you might all like to do together, like a day of card games, or cook their favourite lunch.

I think that the most memorable thing me and my girls did this year was go on RIB tour ride on the Thames. It was amazing and just the right dose of adrenaline. I think I probably appreciated the James Bond music a little more than them, but it is just bringing a huge smile to my face just thinking about it.

When you think back to your childhood, do you remember the things you got for Christmas, or do you remember good times, like holidays and when you had loads of fun?

Think experiences not things and your life will have a new dimension of added joy.

The Hope Bank

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