How to Learn to Deal With Negative Events and Thoughts

Life isn't all sunshine, roses, and rainbows. That is not necessarily a bad thing, as in all honesty, it would be pretty boring to just have all positive experiences.

We need the lows of sadness or disappointment to appreciate the positives. It is what makes the happier times stand out and shine so bright.

That being said, negative thoughts, emotions or the people or events that cause the negatives are part of life and there is no avoiding them.


The only way forward is learn how to deal with them and make the best out of negative scenarios to live a happy life.

Let's take a look at a few strategies that can help to deal with the negatives.

Put it in Perspective

Life is all about perspective and the way that you choose to see it. When you start to identify your emotions taking a downward spiral and into the wallowing pool of sadness, try to step away from the situation and look at it from a different perspective. It might help to take a walk, have a nap and then relook at it again.


Try your best to find something positive in the situation or thought - the silver lining, something to be grateful for, think on what is the gift in this moment.

Of course, there are undeniably bad and sad situations in our lives, but if we hunt for it there is a little tiny flicker of something good in there too. Life is about finding that flicker of positivity and holding on to it.

It can become a habit to focus too much on the negative things and sometimes a little distance from the problem, or a change of perspective can show us it is not as bad as we originally thought.

It is Okay to be Sad Sometimes

At times, life sucks, sometimes it just does. No-one can be happy 100% of the time, so don't feel bad if you don't feel happy. Let it out, grieve, be sad, even cry. Sometimes this is the best thing you can do for yourself as healing can only begin when you let the sadness in. Allow yourself to feel it, to start the road to recovery and a happier version of yourself.

Look for the Bright Side

Try to always keep your eye on the bright side, the little candle flicker, or the light at the end of the tunnel - the glimmer of hope.


Look for it, focus on it and don't lose sight of it as it will lead you back to a happier place.

It might be that you feel slightly better than yesterday, your friend calls you and tells you they care, or a random smile from a stranger

Just find something that gives you a crutch to get through the next minute, 10 minutes, half an hour.

You can do it.

I now have this song stuck in my head, but its one that makes me smile...

Anyone want to sing along?

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life....


Good 'ol Monty Python


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