I Married Darth Vader (An Original Poem)

I Married Darth Vader

I married Darth Vader with ewok eyes
Magnificent, maleficent but full of lies
I married Peter Pan with a touch of Hook
Forever young, but a bit of a crook.

He's James Bond with a little Dr No
Shaken not stirred, crazy, a spy to go
He's a numberjack and a number mucker upper
Friendly, but a positivity sucker upper.

I married Dr Jekyll and Dr Hyde
Everyday it changed with the tide
He was Harry Potter who turned out to be Voldemort
With dementors latching on to every thought.

It was like arguing with the Incredible Hulk
If he didn't win he'd be green and sulk
Be a mixture of Annie Wilkes and Psycho
Until I agree or become his greatest foe.

I wanted him to be He-man, but got Skeletor
I don't expect much, but I deserve more
My broken bits have been put together like Frankenstein
But now I can live my life and my dreams are mine.

Words: Hope Huggs
Picture: 2 pictures combined from Pixabay.com

Yay! My creativity is back!

Edit: Fiction Depiction is the topic for the latest Runaway Rhymes Competition, which was launched today (3rd June) and it will be open till the 19th June, so there is plenty of time to get your poems entered.

Enter the Runaway Rhymes Contest Here

I really look forward to reading them.

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