The 3 Most Important Lessons of All: (2) Accept Yourself

Do you have physical imperfections, character flaws, or bad habits that you don’t like?

Do you have personality flaws that you don’t like?

Do you have a past that is dragging you down?

You can let yourself accept these things that you don’t like about yourself and move on toward bigger and better things once you are free of the scrutiny that you are putting yourself under.


First, know that everyone around you has the very same things they dislike about themselves; your neighbor, your sister, your friend.

We often dwell on our imperfections, but they make us who we are. We often dwell on mistakes we made or things we did poorly in our past. We get hung up on the things that we can’t do instead of the things that we can do. Each one of us is unique. We have our own footprint on this earth, and we should be proud of who we are and our features that make us unique.

If you look at singers like Celine Dion who have large prominent features, such as her nose, you will see that other people sometimes love you for your imperfect features, because they make you who you are. If Celine Dion had a nose job and changed her appearance to be like other cookie-cutter models, would we recognize her? Not likely.

Do you still enjoy watching Julia Roberts on the screen? She was teased in high school for having large lips. Can you imagine Julia Roberts without her most prominent feature? What if she would have had plastic surgery to ‘fix’ her problem? Wouldn’t she look like all the other cookie-cutter actresses in Hollywood? She would hardly stand out.

Many actors or actresses have memorable faces. Some even have memorable body physiques or unique but obnoxious personalities, like Roseann Barr and Tom Arnold. Think about Edward Norton, Nicholas Cage, Lady Gaga, or Hugh Grant. They aren’t the most attractive people you’ve seen, right? But they have memorable faces and memorable personalities.

Learn to be comfortable in your own skin and others around you will return the sentiments!

Learn to accept your physical aspects the way that you are. Are you worried about other people not accepting you?

Other people can be happy with how you are, as long as they sense that you are okay and at peace with yourself. You may be thinking that others are scrutinizing your looks, your weight, your habits, your past, or other weaknesses that you have.

The reality is that many people are looking inward at their own weaknesses and imperfections rather than truly looking at your imperfections. If they aren’t paying attention to the things you dislike about yourself, neither should you dwell on them.

Meditation and positive affirmations are a great way to remind yourself to focus on your strengths instead of focusing on your weaknesses.

The truth is that most people don’t judge you as much as you judge yourself. If you are comfortable in your own skin, other people will feel comfortable around you.

If you have unrealistic expectations of yourself or other people, then you will inevitably be projecting negativity onto them by dwelling on your weaknesses and their weaknesses. They will feel judged by you, and will then turn to be judgmental toward you.

Many people only judge you because they are unhappy with something inside themselves, and they are projecting their negativity onto you.

Don’t project your negativity onto someone else. Accept yourself for who you are, and accept them for who they are. Your relationships will be much more full and satisfying.


The 3 Most Important Lessons of All: (1) Love Yourself

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