The TASTE of (human) BREAST MILK. Haha, It is NOT what you see in the movies.

BREAST MILK (母乳): Is it sour? Is it like goat milk? Blue cheese? Tastes weird? Different from cow’s milk? No taste at all?

Holy moly, the questions we ask.

Often, we hear all these comments on TV, Movies, and even in online discussion forums. Why? Because everyone’s curious to know. But no body dares to talk about it. Because that is a memory no one has once we all grow up. Simply because it is too early to remember. But how does it tastes like? The reality will shock you. Those women who produce(d) breast milk know precisely what is it like. For those men who have pregnant girlfriends/wives know how does it taste like. But that obviously depends on whether you have tasted it or not. Have you? Or just simply didn’t care when you had the chance? lol.

(By the way if you are a man who produce breast milk, well lets not go there for now. haha)

But what is breast milk and how it is produced..

Breast milk, is the milk that is produced by the human breasts. Of course I am referring to the female human breasts here. The colors, shapes and sizes that we all are fascinated about. (even females are fascinated about it.. haha, I know what you are thinking..).
So, a little bit of science here now. The production of milk can be divided into 3 stages. Lactogenesis 1, 2 and 3 (I, II, III). In the beginning, the milk production does not start out as a supply and demand process. In the beginning, it is fully hormonal driven and the production of this early milk is what we call colostrum (lactogenesis 1). In lactogenesis 2, which is usually after birth, the production of milk supply will increase due to the prolactin hormone (and the sudden drop of progesterone/hpl/and estrogen). Of course there are other hormones and enzymes are involved as well, but lets not go into much details about it here. Only in the final stage (lactogenesis 3), the milk production converts into a supply demand system (autocrine). So, the more you empty the milk from the breasts, the more it will produce.

So now, the million dollar question. The TASTE.

First, I will explain the taste, if you were to taste it straight out from the breasts (aka natural),

The early milk (which is colostrum) which is clear/yellow/or deep gold in color is usually thin and watery, and does not contain much of a taste. It is full of antibodies and immunoglobulins, which is much important for the new born baby. So save it for your baby. lol.

But the milk that is produced later (72 hours after giving birth onward) contains high amount of fat and milk sugar lactose giving the milk ------ wait for it ------- a SWEETER taste. Lactose is one of the main ingredients, and due to its high concentration, it gives the milk its sweet taste. This sweetness again can vary slightly from different types of food you (the mother) eat, your genetics, and various other factors. However, overall, breast milk tastes creamy and sweet.

But there is one caveat: our threshold levels for sweetness can drastically vary from person to person. What do I mean by that?. It means, for example, some might find adding milk (normal pasteurized milk) to your tea will increase its level of sweetness. While others might need to add a little bit of sugar to bring it up to their level of sweetness. So, some might find breast milk as very sweet, while others may say it is less sweet.

What about the taste of frozen milk or stored breast milk?

Needless to say, any natural milk (without the added preservatives) that is being frozen or stored for a period of time will change its smell and taste. Of course you are able to still drink it, but definitely do not expect for it to have the natural rich creamy sweetness.

So, all these movies depicting breast milk as sour, disgusting, or having a weird taste comes from the frozen stored milk. Because unlike other types of milk, (in order to preserve the taste for a longer period of time), there are no added chemicals, or additives in stored breast milk. Hence, the taste change.

So, now you know. Breast milk has a wonderful taste. It is sweet, and creamy, and it is not different than any other milk. No harm in trying (of course only if you know the person is clean). Haha, but remember, try it natural.

Thank you guys, hope you enjoyed this fun write-up. If you have any suggestions please write them down in the comments section. Vote it up and support me to write more.

And as always have fun with it. Till next time….!!!

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