I have a meeting tomorrow to introduce a company to Steemit ! Excited yet a tad nervous.

Tomorrow I have a meeting with a company I do IT support for to get them to signup with Steemit. It's a small company but the employees and more importantly The Boss is really interested.

Mentioned Steemit a few weeks ago in passing and at first they weren't interested. But when I showed them the payout's, THEN they were like, "What!". lol

I have my "speech" per say, but help me out here guys, any specific things I should mention? Any opening statements I can use to start off strong? The admin girl is in, and The Boss knows I'm coming in to talk to him about something good. :-)

I'm really excited guys, I am. So c'mon, any strong opening statements I can use?

Should I get technical with the whole BTC & BCC thing?

Let me know! Thx guys!

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