STOP Annoying Screaming Children or are the Parents to Blame

Are we not sick of these annoying children screaming every day?

Of course we are but we don't stand up and say something most of the time to the stupid parents.

You can't go shopping in a supermarket these days without some little child running down the isles when you are shopping.

If you say anything to the Parents they defend their child and start having a go at you because you raised the subject.

How often do you see the proud new dad who is a born again idiot holding his little girl or boy's arms walking them down a restaurant buffet. He thinks he is looking good and intelligent people are looking at him thinking "What a Moron" poor child.

What is the matter with these People....

A supermarket is not a "creche" and neither is a restaurant where some parents let their child run around . If they got scalded by Hot Food they might wake up but sadly I see this behaviour ever day.

Should your child start screaming, you either deal with it by a dummy or you take it outside.

There is no third option. Continuing your conversation while the rest of the establishment bombards you with torcherous stares and remarks under your breath about how much you are ruining their lunch — BECAUSE YOU ARE RUINING THEIR LUNCH — is not sufficient.

No one should have to suffer through that.

Same goes for children who are running around, messing with things which are not theirs, putting their dirty little hands on glass surfaces, and generally being totally disruptive and disrespectful.

Aside from just generally making everyone in your nearby proximity hate you and your children , Imagine what would happen if cute little James who just loves rocking the table lights back and forth were to injure herself when it falls? Whose fault would that be?

Would you sue the coffee shop? If you’re the kind of annoying parent who lets their kid do things like that, chances are high that you would.

I was at the Cinema the other night to see "Star Wars" with my wife. The cinema wasn't particularly full but as we sat down I realised I was seated beside a 6 year old little boy and his mother.

Apart from the incessant munching of his popcorn and rattling of the bag which continued until 5 minutes from the end of the film he never shut up.

He hardly watched the movie as he was certainly too young to probably understand any of this film so he kept asking or talking to his mother annoying everyone in his vicinity.

This is not the little boys fault as he doesn't understand that talking constantly when a movie is being screened as he has never been talked to how he should conduct himself in a a cinema.

The mother was totally out of order and lacked parenting skills and had made our night a living hell as well as cost ourselves money for an evening out we did not enjoy.

The point I am making is , you are teaching your child that they do not have to be respectful.

You are teaching them that the world is there for them and they don't have to give a damn about anyone else and that everyone else’s experience means nothing, and that whatever rules may exist do not apply to them.

You are actively creating little horrible people, and making sure that everyone suffers in the process because of your child's behaviour.

You have shown that your world is far more important than anyone else’s, and the respect we’d all like to be afforded doesn’t matter if charming Bobby wants to run around a restaurant or a coffee shop and throw his meal on the floor.

If you insist on allowing your child to be an utter abomination while out in public, just know that everyone will hate you and is actively thinking you are a totally irresponsible parent who should never have had children in the first place.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

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