How often do you change your plans?

Too many different... plans

I wanna study in Seoul. But then at the same time, I wanna drop out.

I wanna be big and massive, work out for strength. But then at the same time, I wanna be lean, fast, not look like I lift when in clothes and do all the calisthenic stuff.

I wanna move to Chicago but wanna run a business here in Germany. Build this huge empire but also travel the world. Be here and there.

Something I realized is that there are a million different people you could be. At least.

Now, for some of the awesome stuff your mind can come up with it might be too late. For lots of it, it is still early enough. And some of the ideas and personas you could be are just idiotic. Nice to be entertained for a few days but not practical.

How do you decide which one to pursue? Which doors to close and which one to step through.

Trying to minimize the regrets you'll have in life is a daunting task. It certainly has me sitting here thinking way too much and not doing enough. But can you do enough? There's "only" 24 hours in a day. Now, you try to pursue six different ideas at once there ain't gonna be enough time left to eat. Or sleep.

Then again, maybe I should focus on one idea for a fixed period of time. Then see. Analyze, iterate, pivot. Continue. Repeat.


That's what it comes down to. Because there is no reason to go after any of the fancy sounding stuff your mind tells you about if it won't make you happy.

So, figuring out what's gonna make me happy is the mission. Hah! How would anyone figure that out?! How would I know what's gonna make me happy in I don't know, a week? from now?

Just go do. Find out. Try. Test and learn.

Freedom units are the variable. Better start getting that paper.

Stay awesome and don't fail to build!

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