3 Valuable Life Lessons and How You Can Apply Them for Your Steemit Succes!

After a lot of reading experience in the last two year, in which I have read 17 books and countless articles so far, I feel I should start sharing what I learned with you; my fellow Steemians. Then I thought of all the experience I gained on Steemit during my six months here and decided to include a bit of that too in this post. The aim is not only to share valuable life lessons but also see how these lessons are applicable on Steemit.  

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Lets's begin!

1. Wait For Great Things To Happen

Great things happen with time. You could fit in a fist when you were born but look at you now. Could you be who you are without all those years of growing up? The answer is obviously no. The only thing which got you where you are right now is time. You couldn't be an adult in 2 years. You cant be old unless you go through the rigors of time. 

Great things always happen when you decide to do them (Source: Pixabay)

There are things that we have control over and can make them happen with our dedication, but it takes time. If we plant vegetable seeds, they grow fast but don't last much. But if we sow seeds of a tree, it takes lots of time to grow but stays for years and centuries. See? Great things take considerable time to happen. Wait for them.

On Steemit...

Greatest things on Steemit are the genuine conversations that happen between people who never knew each other before. Some of the great, but not measurable, things on Steemit are:-

  • Relationships
  • Appreciation
  • Respect
  • Community Leadership

None of these great things happen on your first day at Steemit. They take time; some more than others. Coming to measurable things, they also progress with time. Reputation increases only when you receive rewards and you don't start getting rewards immediately. Followers increase over time but you have to learn how to attract followers with your valuable contributions and it takes time.

Overnight success, in life or Steemit, is rare and irrational. Every great thing takes time. 

2. See Problems As Opportunities

Think about it. Right now, you have health, time and skills. You have challenges which you can overcome and become stronger. You have problems that you can solve and become a better problem solver. 

Yes, you can!

If you have a mess in life, you can remove it and make your life better. Problems are opportunities but only if you look at them as opportunities. Problems remain problems or become greater problems for average minds because they never look at them as opportunities. You should learn and know how to solve your problems. 

Start looking at solutions because solutions are opportunities to make a difference. (Source: Pixabay)

The takeaway is that you have the resources that you need to make your life better. Use these resources to overcome the challenges of your life. Look at problems as if they are the opportunities presented to you. That's what problems really are; opportunities!

Problems on Steemit?

A very good example of seeing problems as opportunities is Utopian.io. It ( @utopian-io) is a platform which rewards open source contribution. In other words, you get rewarded for highlighting problems and their solutions. I considered poor user retention a problem and submitted my first ever contribution, and the only one so far, and it got accepted. I was rewarded handsomely for identifying a problem.

If you have any knack for problem solving, do join @utopian-io and contribute. There are a lot of skills that can be utilized to contribute there.

In normal Steemit usage as well, if you face a problem then go to Google and type "how to solve this problem" and add Steemit at the end. You will start learning a lot about Steemit and become a better Steemian with time. Every problem you face is an opportunity to learn more.

Just an example of how Google can help you learn about Steemit. Nothing makes me happier than being the first author on Google results.

3. Take Responsibility Of Your Life Right Now

What do you need to solve your problems and make your life better? 

  • Courage? 
  • Hard work? 
  • Planning? 
  • Intention? 

Who has all the control over all these things? You! Yes, you can work hard right now. You can plan right now. To start solving your problems, you can gather the courage right now.  

Get up and act right now! 


  • No one else will solve your problems, overcome your challenges, and make your life better if you don't do it yourself
  • No one can change you if you don't wish to change yourself or help you if you don't help yourself
  • No one can get up and act for you. You will have to get up and work for yourself!

Taking Responsibility on Steemit...

Your account is your property. Your blog is your farm. You will reap whatever you sow and to reap great things, you should sow the seeds of great things. Whales are not going to visit your blog and give you an upvote. You have to produce content that reaches the eyes of curators out there. You have to initiate action for a favorable reaction from the community.

Learn how to setup your profile. Learn how to create a blog post. Learn how to engage with the community. Learn what not to do. You may have to learn the hard way too but always take the lessons and implement them. Your Steemit success is a function of your own effort. Take charge! 


Things do not happen overnight. Neither in life nor on Steemit. Rome was not built in day and neither will be your blog. To make great things happen, you have to put in your efforts and wait for the results. You must see your current problems and take them on ferociously. Only by taking full responsibility for your life, you can make it enjoyable, better and prosperous.

If this blog post inspired you, helping others, and supporting me, by resteeming it would be a a good thing to do and I will wait for it to happen.

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