Climbing everywhere - I'm still a child inside:)

We have friends that are fond of mountaineering. Of course, they do it seriously, with special equipment. I whished to try a lot of times, but still didn't. Don't know what stops me.

But I really love to climb everywhere. It's kind of obsession - if I see a place to climb - I'll be there. Yesterday I was walking with my dog and found an old bridge armature. Only the fact that my dog will not manage with it stoped me:)

But when it comes to traveling - nearle all my photos woll be from strange places I climbed on. I don't like the kind of photos when people take pictures near the monuments... Seriously, it looks silly for me. So I nearly don't have any. But - 

On the tree. Great that my favorite cloth is jeans and sneakers:)

That's a reconstraction of an old lookout tower in Kamenetz-Podolsky. Too bad I don't have the whole view.

The mountain near the castle, the same city.

Mountains. I look that sad cause my hasband did not allow me to climb there:)

So, I really love it:) BTW I saw a yet unclimbed cableway not far away from Kyiv. Hmmmm, have to go there:)

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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