E-book or real book? Thoughts aloud:)

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For last 5-7 years I use e-book 70% of my reading time. I have a small "Pocket book" model like the one below, and I'm completely happy with it. It's light, it's tiny and fits any bag, and it's really convinient to use.

But I also love "old fashioned", paper books. Since being a child I remember a huge library in our family house, and it was so awesome. I always read a lot since I've learned how to do it, and I read really fast. I can read whole "Lord of the Rings" in two nights. So having a lot of books is a vital necessity. But now I try to have less books in appartment. The collect dust, take too much place... So I left only thouse which I really love, of thouse that are valuable, and gave the rest to the library.

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Stars in my book collection are artbooks. It's really the ones that I need in paper version, for work and for pleasure. High quality illustrations are something I can't live without. But Iif I want to sence pages, to read a real book - I'll go to the ligrary and will take one, it's easier. And it feels like shopping:)

So, advantages and disabvantages, IMHO:

  • 1. You don't have to turn pages in e-book - important for me. I usually I take so complicated poses when reading in bed that I can't use both hands.
  • 2. E-book takes less space. I have a whole library on mine.
  • 3. E-book can power down... That never happens with real ones.
  • 4. With e-book you don't have "the old reading experience". I mean the smell of the paper, the sound it makes. But I have a perfume with sell of a library:)
  • 5. If the book has illustrations - it's nearly no interest to look at them in a e-book.

So, my choise is e-nook for reading and real ones for work and pleasure. 

What about you?:) 

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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