My TOP-5 favorite books from childhood review

This is my top-5 favorite childhood books review. I'm not original at all, and most of them are loved by children worldwide. But it's mine top-5 anyway, ha-ha:)

I loved to read as a child, as much as I love it now. My granny tought me how to do it. We lived in a far north, and she worked in a library. I remember us going to her work together, and then we brought back home books on the sleigh.

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It was really cold in the small city where we lived so my main memories are not connected with playing outside. May be that's one of the reasons later I began suffering from social anxiety, by the way. Growing up at far North I had books as best friends.

  • 1. Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings

I read "the Lord of the Rings" already being less or more grown up kid - somewhere at the age of 12. But Hobbit is a memory from childhood. I remember fantasize about me myself being a hobbit, and taking part in all the adventures. In fact I can talk about Tolkien for hours, and I'm doing it here in my blog, and I think I'll never stop:)

  • 2. Alice in Wonderland

My second book in the "top-favorite" list. I had a really special edition, with comments of different scientists. Too bad that now I don't have any idea where it is - my family moved all the time and may be it's lost somewhere. It had a soft cover and I read it over and over again, and finally the book started to fall apart. I fixed the pages with scotch tape and read it again. 

My favorite Character was a Cheshire Cat. I feeled so much like him - "A bit out of my mind". The second was the Mad Hatter. I never been to England, but the idea of 5 o'clock tea is reallyclose to me. It's like "and the whole world will wait":)

  • 3. Harry Potter

The first book appeared when I already was nine years old. Now it's strange for me to think about how long time ago it was - twenty years passed. My classmate borrowed it to me, and I read it at night, with a flashlight under the blanket. It was so much like Harry studied magic under the blanket in the beginning of the second book:) Now I still reread all the seven books time to time, mostly when I feel that there's not enough miracles in my life. And it really helps:) 

  • 4. Witch tales

This book by belarusian writer Olga Gromyko appeared when I was a little older. And again - my classmate gave it to me. It's aviable only in russian, and it's a book about adventures of a red haired witch, a young, who recently  graduated wizards school. Yes, all my favorite books are fantasy. Of course the list of books I read during my life is mush wider then 5 (I will not count, Sometimes I can read up to 15 of the a month), but these from the list I re'read all the time.

  • 5. Wolfhound

Also a series of books by russian writer Maria Semenova. The first one came out in year 1995. Later more books came out, continuing the story. In fact I know that it was filmed (badly, really badly), and may be the movie was translated, I'm not sure. But it's too far away from this awesome fantasy book anyway.

So, that's my top-5 list of favorite books. Most of the rest I read only once, but these I keep rereading, for different reasons. But mostly when I feel sad and just want to feel myself a child again.

I think I'll add one of my illustrations to this post:) I already published it here on steemit, but it's really suitable here. I always have been like this girl. In an old house, with a candle... OK, in a new house, but still with a candle:) Reading:)

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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