Struggles of An Indian Girl | Before Birth To After School | Personal Experience | Part 1 - 3 by @indian-mom


Girl a body, a soul, a sister, a daughter, a mother and in some places a Goddess


What do you consider a Girl is ?

If I discuss about India, the conditions are just Terrible. Many are killed in the womb, some are not allowed to take education, some are teased for being a Girl while some are persecuted for Dowry.
I am a citizen of a country where a woman is Prayed and Preyed.
I live in a country where a Girl is respected in Temples but is tortured and teased at the back.
Why ?
Because she is … a Girl !


Here every parent wants a Boy. If a Baby boy is born then the family will so happy that you can’t even measure the level of their happiness but if a Girl is born the silence the hatred that builds up is also unmeasurable.

Parents in India have a mindset that a Boy is the only Future for the Family and that a Boy is the only one who can run the Family.

There will be 2 Scenarios

  1. Either the girl would be killed in the womb or just after birth
  2. If she’s not killed she won’t be treated as good like a Boy get treated

Why ?
Let’s read further…

Personal Experience 01 : In my introduction post I have mentioned that when I was born my parents were very happy but my grandmother was not.

Why ?
Because she wanted a Heir in my case that could only be a Boy.


Now that a Girl is Born. There are 2 scenarios

1. If she’s lucky she’ll be studying, and
2. if not then she’ll be doing the household work

Scenario 01- A

Now that a Girl is Studying which means she’s going to school.

Is she safe in School ?

In some parts of India disrespecting girls is very common. Girls get followed by Boys of either the same school or of a different school. In India Girls are considered to be Weak … a lot weak. So some Boys have a conditioning in mind that they can tease any Girl they want and/or even Harass her

Now, the condition is that the Girls are used to get teased and followed by Boys

Parents in India especially those who are narrow minded have a condition in mind that if Daughter’s name is included in any incident, even she wasn’t participating in that incident she would be blamed.

Why she would be blamed ?

Because of the Society and the mindset of the parents for them it would be Shameful thing that daughters name was there.

What happens next ?

She’s removed from the school and is forced to do the household work. i.e Scenario 02 - B

Scenario 02 - B

Parents in India take care of their Sons more than their Daughters, and this thing happens since their Birth.

Why aren’t Girls sent to School for Education ?

According to many Indian Societies girls are only meant to cook food and to give birth, that’s it.

Many parents think that sending their Daughter to school is a waste of money because at last they have to marry a Boy and has to live with the family of the Groom for the rest of the life, so why invest money on girl when there is no return. This is the mentality of many Parents in India.

And the most Taboo thing that an Indian parent can do is Child Marriage. Even though the Laws are against it but this is still continuing in India.

Why parents force their Daughter for Child Marriage ?

Child Marriage only happens in backward areas of India. The primary reason of this is Poverty and gender inequality.

Personal Experience 02 : My father and my mother were very helpful for my education, and so they struggled very hard to complete my education. I have done Masters in Commerce and my Older Son is doing his Bachelors in Computer Science and so he wants to become a Computer Scientist. I’m sure he will be a Great one.


Now that the schooling is completed the Girls wants to go for Higher Education now there will be two Scenarios

1. Girls would be allowed to do Higher Education but on a Term, or
2. Girls would not be allowed to do Higher Education

Scenario 1 - C

The Girl is allowed to go for Higher Education but on a term that their parents will choose their stream/subject/major/course. Their fate is in their parents hands.

Why Parents choose what their Daughter should study ?

Parents in India have a tendency to listen to others and blindly-believe whatever the Elders say. They never try to find the logic/reason of whats being said they just do it without thinking for a moment.

Why Parents think the suggestion given by other person is Right ?

Many people in India have a mindset that the other person who is suggesting is 100% Right. Even if the parents are more knowledgable then that person but because of the fear of Religion/Society they think if this person is saying this then there should be a good reason behind it.

And then the Girl is Forced to study the subject that she did not wanted.

What happens next ?

She’ll either complete her studies forcefully or commit suicide due to the pressure of the studies put on her or she’ll fail.

But the truth is the Parents... Fail

Scenario 2 - D

Continuing with the conditions in Scenario 2 -B the Parents tell their Daughters what will she do by studying that much ?

After all the Girl has to get married and manage the house of her husband. Now she’s worthless

Personal Experience 03: I was very good at Mathematics and so I told my Father that I would like to Study Commerce and so my Father Agreed to it.

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