Control your mind to control your life

You'd be surprised how little control people have over their own mind. We go day to day at the mercy of our thoughts and desires. It is only by honing our mental abilities that we can really make progress and prosper in our lives.

Attention: The minds super power
The mind is an astonishing tool, it's main function that we experience first hand is attention. This is our ability to focus on what we want at will. Most peoples attention is pulled around by worries, desires, what a girlfriend told you, the time, memories, etc.

When we consciously direct our attention, we call this our "Focus", while holding our focus on a desired thing such as goal, or your breath in meditation, it becomes known as "Concentration". The stronger your concentration, the more powerfully you can manifest your goals and desires. By not being pulled around by the tide of your thoughts, and instead directing the ship via concentrated attention, we have the ability to set our consciously set our destination instead of wandering aimlessly.

Strengthen your concentration with meditation
Our ability to hold our concentration to a single topic is known as our Will. The stronger our will is the longer we are able to focus our attention for longer periods of time. One age old technique of establishing a stronger will is meditation. Simply sitting cross legged and focusing on our In and Out breaths for 30 minutes a day in the morning will make a huge difference in the amount of power you have over your mind. It's like exercise for the mind!

Another method of strengthening our concentration with meditation aside from focusing on the breath, is to choose a single idea to focus on for 30 minutes. One idea may be one of your goals. Focus on your goal and what it will look like once you have reached it. By doing this for 30 minutes a day your idea will become much clearer and you will have many ideas to reach your goal than ever before.

A similar idea I have shared with people that has helped them is this.

Our Thoughts effect our Actions
Our Actions effect our Environment
Our Environment effects our Thoughts
A change to any of these aspects effect one another.

Make a change, better your experience!

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