Microdosing LSD With Inkha: Day 1-2

Hey folks and welcome to my latest article series. In this series we will be taking a look at the benefits of microdosing in producing and maintaining positive self transformation. My schedule is as follows: wake up, take 25mcg lsd, drink coffee.

log day 1:

The setting for today is there is I don’t need to work at my day job and am free to spend time on projects, read, be creative, hike, or whatever else tickles me fancy. I took about 25mcg of LSD this morning with my coffee. That’s an estimate as I only had a pair of scissors to measure out my serving.

Vision feels sharper almost immediately.

Much more attention to detail

Increased interest and powers of observation

Relaxed attention

I think I need more structure and tasks that produce results I can reflect upon. I did a lot of different things but never really accomplished anything. An over all goal may be good. An on going goal of self improvement is nice but I need something more concrete if I’m going to end up with something here.

A lack of direction and action will become frustration.

It may help to imagine each day as if it were a field of produce to be planted, tended, and harvested.
I’ll need to figure out what my produce is going to be, and practice tending the garden.

I may consider tuning my caffeine consumption down. The LSD made me much more aware of the effects it has on me. LSD is almost like an 8 hour cup of coffee with a nice after glow to reflect. The same can be said for my marijuana smoking, I think the microdoses will be most effective on an entirely clear mind with a rough itinerary to guide focus.

Set aside times for introspecting and self analysis seem to have an immense effect upon state of mind. Although it feels hard to pursue at times, it surely should be a staple of my daily routine.

Tomorrow I should dose, coffee, then do a run and a workout. I feel like that will help ground my energies and I won’t be so sporadic throughout the day. More likely to create something start to finish.

log day 2

I dosed today and drank my coffee and did my run. The day went smoothly shifting between scenes with no over all direction as it was a day off from work. I am making Ramen Noodles the chili flavor right now, which is pretty exciting.

I definitely have more profound thoughts while microdosing. Thoughts that feel like they have the strength to stick around for awhile if you know what I mean. I feel like an epic trans-formative ritual could be built around these psychedelics A grander scheme with a smaller play. Maybe a 7 day stretch where each day is spent working on a respective chakra 1-7. Something like this could produce change with psychedelics. It seems to increase your ability to change and work with the beliefs that run your software so to speak.

I’d like to get a hardware component to measure brainwaves and provide feedback regarding dosed and non dosed states. To measure the connectivity and see if there’s anything profound happening there. Although I think most of the software holding our reality in place can come unscrewed at any time, we are extremely proficient at making what “is”: ‘O.k.’

But change.. change yes. A desired outcome, an expected result. In a therapy section I’d imagine these microdoses as a loosening the tension of reality. Holding it all in place at times and making sense of it all can be daunting at times, which is the reason we dull experience to appease ourselves sub consciously, submitting to that request for certainty and order, which is necessary and welcomed. It’s when actions turns to habit turns to routine, and one is not aware of that there is a problem. A strong sense of I is a source of power for the individual. Simply Being with contentment comes after stripping many layers of crusted thought and self doubt away.

I’d say today was a success, I’m excited to read this in the morning and go over it all again. Possibly get some feedback and direction. Over all the effects were an elevated mood and an increased interest in the world around me. More ability to enjoy my surroundings as opposed to just thinking about the next exit per say. I think I will continue micro dosing, I will probably build a ritual out of the practice and record my results.

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