Attention to the Mockers and Scoffers 馃寑

You mock the sound of prayer.

You mock her resting her hand on what you call just a Roman wall.

You mock the location itself.

You mock her tears...

With peace in mind, and that we might begin to work together, I will attempt this statement, and only hope B"H, that it will be received as one with only positive intent...

Why did Ivanka cry? Why do Jews call this the "Wailing Wall?"

Because here, we pray for our families and the world, which is in a state of disrepair. Here, we pray, beg and cry for the elevation of everyone, and for peace everywhere, in every home...

We do this here (and I truly regret having to say it,) because at present, only Muslims are allowed up above this wall to pray where stood the First and Second Holy Temples, which as you may read below, were for the benefit of All Nations... B"H it will be again for All Nations, hopefully in our days...

Yeshayahu - Isaiah - Chapter 2

1. The word that Isaiah, son of Amoz, prophesied concerning Judah and Jerusalem.聽

讗. 讛址讚指旨讘指专 讗植砖侄讈专 讞指讝指讛 讬职砖址讈注职讬指讛讜旨 讘侄旨谉 讗指诪讜止抓 注址诇 讬职讛讜旨讚指讛 讜执讬专讜旨砖指讈诇执指诐:

2. And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and all the nations shall stream to it.

聽讘. 讜职讛指讬指讛聽| 聽讘职旨讗址讞植专执讬转 讛址讬指旨诪执讬诐 谞指讻讜止谉 讬执讛职讬侄讛 讛址专 讘值旨讬转 讬职讛止讜指讛 讘职旨专止讗砖讈 聽讛侄讛指专执讬诐 讜职谞执砖指旨讉讗 诪执讙职旨讘指注讜止转 讜职谞指讛植专讜旨 讗值诇指讬讜 讻指旨诇 讛址讙旨讜止讬执诐:

3. And many peoples shall go, and they shall say, "Come, let us go up to the Lord's mount, to the house of the God of Jacob, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we will go in His paths," for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 聽

聽讙. 讜职讛指诇职讻讜旨 聽注址诪执旨讬诐 专址讘执旨讬诐 讜职讗指诪职专讜旨 诇职讻讜旨聽| 讜职谞址注植诇侄讛 讗侄诇 讛址专 讬职讛止讜指讛 讗侄诇 讘值旨讬转 聽讗直诇止讛值讬 讬址注植拽止讘 讜职讬止专值谞讜旨 诪执讚职旨专指讻指讬讜 讜职谞值诇职讻指讛 讘职旨讗止专职讞止转指讬讜 讻执旨讬 聽诪执爪执旨讬旨讜止谉 转值旨爪值讗 转讜止专指讛 讜旨讚职讘址专 讬职讛止讜指讛 诪执讬专讜旨砖指讈诇执指诐:

4. And he shall judge between the nations and reprove many peoples, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.

讚. 讜职砖指讈驻址讟 聽讘值旨讬谉 讛址讙旨讜止讬执诐 讜职讛讜止讻执讬讞址 诇职注址诪执旨讬诐 专址讘执旨讬诐 讜职讻执转职旨转讜旨 讞址专职讘讜止转指诐 聽诇职讗执转执旨讬诐 讜址讞植谞执讬转讜止转值讬讛侄诐 诇职诪址讝职诪值专讜止转 诇止讗 讬执砖指旨讉讗 讙讜止讬 讗侄诇 讙旨讜止讬 讞侄专侄讘 聽讜职诇止讗 讬执诇职诪职讚讜旨 注讜止讚 诪执诇职讞指诪指讛:

Yeshayahu - Isaiah - Chapter 56

7. I will bring them to My holy mount, and I will cause them to rejoice in My house of prayer, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon My altar, for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.

讝. 讜址讛植讘执讬讗讜止转执讬诐 讗侄诇 讛址专 拽指讚职砖执讈讬 讜职砖执讉诪址旨讞职转执旨讬诐 讘职旨讘值讬转 转职旨驻执诇指旨转执讬 注讜止诇止转值讬讛侄诐 讜职讝执讘职讞值讬讛侄诐 诇职专指爪讜止谉 注址诇 诪执讝职讘职旨讞执讬 讻执旨讬 讘值讬转执讬 讘值旨讬转 转职旨驻执诇指旨讛 聽讬执拽指旨专值讗 诇职讻指诇 讛指注址诪执旨讬诐:

I can't seem to find them right now, but I believe there is a similar set of ideas and quotes in the Tehillim/Psalms. It is probably elsewhere too, but I still have lots to learn...

Whether you believe me about this, or the Prophets about what the Temple is, and whether you agree with it or not, even if you don't believe in G-d, please see that her desire is real. And so, it's this dream of a harmonious, righteous, happy, and once and for all, peaceful world, that you belittle. I ask you to please think about it...

(Western Wall & Dome of the Rock. I do not know the original source for the image of Ivanka, but this copy is from a video on Dr. Justin Imel's channel. Depiction of The Temple. Quotes from The Prophets, through Chabad.)

Thanks For Your Attention and Support!

Melech ben Chaya 诪诇讱 讘谉 讞讬讛, @inphiknit

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