Midnight Correction 🌀 (Original Poem)

The Light of Your will in me, 

I let fade with the setting of the greater fire. 

Eve after eve,  

613 desires for myself alone, 

Pull upon my heart and mind from my liver anew. 

Strengthened by their rest,

As my attention and hands earned Your bread,  

Needing barely to contend with them, 

One always becomes heavier than the others. 

For now, it is that which draws my interest, 

This desire disguising itself as need, 

Begging for its satiation, 

The moment of choice comes upon me. 


I fail. 

But tonight I noticed its rise, 

Wanting to stop the elevation of this spark to the other side. 

So We sit by this small flame. 

Since I’ve let Your Light of the desire to receive for the sake of Others, 

Flicker and dim inside me, 

I light this oil for You on the outside. 

I want Your Presence back, 

The great sum of the Others,  

Whom through my selfish wants I forsook. 

Downwards now, from my mind and heart to the liver, 

These tears fall from the emptiness of my vessel. 

Left vacant by last evening’s choice, 

By the proximity and danger of tonight’s near miss. 

As I move them to my forehead that shows every sin, 

Let them please wash away those past mistakes, 

Removing my humiliation. 

But in this rest, 

As I call on Your mercy and ask for sight, 

What is better than to sit here with You now, 

Writing and singing Your inspiration as did our ancient Family. 

Otherwise observing and listening, 

In the joy and silence it strikes me. 

You haven’t left me, 

I just keep restricting You again and again. 

But not tonight,  

Not tonight... 


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Melech ben Chaya מלך בן חיה, @inphiknit

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