The Secret of How to "Love Your Neighbour As Yourself." ๐ŸŒ€ The Ancient Hebrew Fractal Seed of Peace!

Although it may take lifetimes to begin to master, the secret of how to love, is hidden in the ancient Hebrew language itself...

I'm certain that you have a genuinely lovely image for this archetype. But if we ask each person, "what is your definition for the word, or the emotion of love?" we'd find as many definitions, as people who would reply. Since we learn in the Torah that the World was created when the Creator spoke, and since the Creator is One, then the words spoken to create with, must be the very seeds for those actual objects, energies, or archetypes. (If necessary, please see

In Torah, Creator prods us each from our own darkness, to begin a special process of development from the "Desire to Receive for the Self Alone," to the "Desire to Receive for the Sake of Bestowal," with the words;ย 

18. ... You shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord.

ย ย ย ย ย ื™ื—. ืœึนื ืชึดืงึผึนื ื•ึฐืœึนื ืชึดื˜ึผึนืจ ืึถืช ื‘ึผึฐื ึตื™ ืขึทืžึผึถืšึธ ื•ึฐืึธื”ึทื‘ึฐืชึผึธ ืœึฐืจึตืขึฒืšึธ ื›ึผึธืžื•ึนืšึธ ืึฒื ึดื™ ื™ึฐื”ื•ึนึธื”: ย ย ย ย 

(Vayikra - Leviticus - Chapter 19) (Worthy of consideration is to ask why Creator would use the word "shall" to preface His command. Also, how can this be a commandment at all?! Is it about the other, or about myself?)

So how can we do this?! For a clue, let's ask, what is the Creator's definition for Love, according to the word itself?!ย 

The Hebrew noun for Love is; ืื”ื‘ื” "ahavah." (Hebrew is read right to left.)

There are many secrets hidden in this word, but lets look at a couple of obvious ones. Since our letters are also the numbering system, the letter ื has a value of 1. ื” has a value of 5. ื‘ has a value of 2. ื” again has a value of 5. The sum of the word love ืื”ื‘ื” is therefore, 13.

The verb (to) love, is ืื”ื‘. "ohev, or ahav."

Other than their values, we won't examine the meanings of ื and ื‘ for this discussion. But the letter ื” means "to give." Aside from this being the meaning of the word in the Torah the first time this letter appears as the first letter in a root word, the meaning "to give" can be seen because the letter ื” is made up of a ื“ (which means doorway)(value 4) and a ื™ (meaning hand)(value 10) that reaches through it. Not only is this so pictographically, but ื” (value 5) is also mathematically equal to 4 ื“ plus 10 ื™, since 4 + 10 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5. (This language is a crazy big fractal!^^)

We can immediately see that a simple definition of Love ืื”ื‘, is when ื one, ื” gives, (to) ื‘ two, (the other)! We are struck! Love is not a feeling per se, but is the product of an act!ย 

What is the spiritual purpose of Love? We all know that already, it's Unity! So wouldn't it make sense then, that the ancient Hebrew word for Oneness or Unity, is ืื—ื“ "Echad." Letter ื is 1. ื— is 8. ื“ is 4...ย 

Leading us to the conclusion that the sum, and secret to Oneness ืื—ื“, like Love ืื”ื‘, is also 13, and is Created in the finding of a need, and the Act of Giving, yielding Love...ย 

Unity, derived through Love, is when one gives so much to the other, that one becomes the other, and two become One... Now that I Love Him, My Neighbour has become "like myself..."

Maybe this post could have been called "The Real Reason Some Want to Hide the Number 13..." But for the season, this seemed more appropriate :)

May you each have a giving and loving (13) holyday, and create a strong unity (13) with Creator (1), your family and the people of the World...

(Image #1)

(Image #2)

(Image #3)

For the sake of peace ืฉึธืืœื•ึนื... With great thanks to Rav Mordechai Kraft, who thanks Rav Akiva, for the basis of this Teaching. (Gemara Shabbos, Talmud.)ย Thanks to the author of The Zohar, R. Shimon bar Yochai, for wisdom about the letters. Thanks to Avraham Avinu who received Sefer Yetzirah, also about the letters. Thanks to my own Reb Guth, and mostly to HaShem and all the Chachamim who reveal successive levels of Torah for the benefit of the World...

More Secrets in Ancient Hebrew and Torah:

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Melech ben Chaya ืžืœืš ื‘ืŸ ื—ื™ื”, @inphiknit

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