FML: I hate that term when people say it in chat "FML" it means "f--my life" and then they explain

Well I want to say that too.. and feel it. FAMILY & FRIENDS always want free computer help? NON-STOP??


If you are into cryptocurrency, and work with computers a lot, you probably have been through this before..

Let's get the basics out of the way:

  • I like helping people
  • If I have the skills to help someone, I enjoy doing it most of the time
  • If it is a friend or family member asking, sure, I can spare some time to help you.
  • Helping someone isn't about payment. They might return the favor one day when you need it too

So what is the problem @intelliguy?

When you hear this.... I celebrated my birthday recently....

I get a call from my father. He says: "Happy Birthday @intelliguy".... and I thank him. He waits 12 seconds and says "by the way listen, I'm having a problem with my computer. Can you look at it soon?"

Disclaimer: No my father doesn't call me @intelliguy but the 12 second wait is very true... :(

I have to wonder what my father thinks of me on my birthday. I am I his son, or a free human resource to his computer problems?

Now I do not suggest everyone has a father like I have... but the point is... some of us skilled computer people get over used, or expected for free, on a continual basis to help friends and family. That is where "FML" is 3 initials that now I have come to understand why people say it.

When someone is expressing themselves, the way I am talking, readers may feel the need to come to my rescue and say things like...

  • You could just tell him, now is not a good time
  • You could find ways to deal with people who want to monopolize your time
  • You could do this, or say that..

I know... I have a lot of options.

It just sucks sometimes, and this is a rant and vent... not looking for solutions. But I just want to vent on how much it can suck when friends and family want help, and expect you to be "right there" when they need it..

..but when they ask for computer help in the same sentence as "Happy Birthday"... I think things have gone way too far. :)

You know what? Maybe I'll try something out of left field...

Out of the blue, I'll say this.....

"Dad, why not invest $500 into steem? This way you can upvote my witness node @intelliwitness and help me with my votes I'm struggling to get?"

....and it would be awesome if he'd do that...

I just would point him to this post that explains how to support me by giving a free vote:

....he'd probably do it... except for one thing...

"Can you show me how to do it?", he'd ask. Then I'd be back to square one again. lol.

FML sometimes. I have more appreciation now for why people say FML :)

Thank you for witnessing my rant. If you want to support my steem witness node named: intelliwitness this is how you can do it. It's probably easier asking you to do it than my own father. :)

Isn't that weird? Those of you reading this post could help me more than my own father? I think that's weird. That's life sometimes. Just weird.

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