UK - Staffordshire University Will Become the First University in the UK to Launch esports Degree!

<<<<Slight Disclaimer Here: if you just read the article that I posted earlier today(Associated Press Weighs in on the Spelling of esports!), you would immediately be upset with author of the Business Insider article that is referenced below for his spelling of esports. However, don't grill him too much, this announcement of mine actually came out in May. >>>>


Staffordshire University in Stoke-on-Trent is offering a three-year degree in esports that will teach students all aspects of the industry including hosting and promoting gaming events, to learning about the culture and fan bases of gaming and within the games.

I really like how the gave a visual of what you'll learn over the three years:

Year one: An introduction to eSports and the business behind gaming events.
Year two: Students will be asked to develop and deliver a "team-based eSports event."
Year three: Undergraduates will create a "large-scale" commercial eSports event from start to finish, while also creating a business plan for an eSports company.

The reason that the university gave as to why it's offering this as a degree was the same reason that I chose to go to the university that I went to...simply put, employability. Isn't that why we all go to college?

Source Article:Business Insider

What do you think? Would you study esports?


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