Will The Chosen One Be On Steemit?


For those that follow my page for an extended period of time will find I post about everything. From crypto to rap music to poetry to philosophy and to whatever happens to be on my mind that day. I dont find myself being "specialized" in any one thing. I like to put my attention to alot of different things. I enjoy life, what can I say? Why do we even have labels? Some will say... "Im a poet" ... Some will say... "Im a rapper" ... Some will say "Im a cook"... Others will say .."Im a waitress" another may say... "Im a athlete"... But I say... Im a human being.

There are so many aspects to life, dont limit yourself to something as simple as a career label because we all know your so much more. You can be anything you want to be... that day.

I dont view life like most people. People say "you only live once" but I find that statement so false its incredible. You dont live once, once implies that there is a beginning and end to your life. Which is false. In truth, you live forever. Death is an illusion. It doesn't make sense to live in foolishness because of the fear of death. Death isnt real. What is real, is heaven and hell, but I wont get into that now. People tend to run to the door when I talk about that, so I wont, for now.

My mind is deeper then the deepest ocean. When people have conversations, with me in the room, I pay attention but I also find myself thinking about a 1000 different thoughts simultaneously. Is that normal? For some reason I fail to think so. When you talk to me I understand what your saying, and I comprehend it. But at the same time Im thinking about other things. A lot of other things. Things that the average person could never perceive. I over analyze everything. If you reference to a movie chances are I wont get it because I dont watch TV. Im not "programed" and refuse to be.

This entry isnt about anything in specific. Remember, I talk about everything so why would it be? I forgot why I got on steemit the last few weeks due to the price increase. Im just excited about it you know? But I got on steemit to share my beliefs, ideologies, philosophies, and literary talents. Not that I have any but I like to pretend I do. Yes, I might be the chosen one. There, I said it. You knew the chosen one would be on steemit didnt you? Lol Im half joking when I say that. I dont know why but I always felt like I was. Does that make me a narcissist? I dont think so. I didnt ask for this F-ING task from God I just accepted it. LOL I feel like this post is going to upset alot of people but at the same time I think its pretty funny right or wrong. Chosen or not I like to think The One will definitely be on steemit. If this post pisses you off then im joking, if it doesnt then its true! Only time will tell.. Only time will tell.. Is steemit not the perfect platform for the chosen one? A place to expose the truth to the entire world without any risk of censorship or mutability. I like the sound of that.


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