First Rule of Steemit, Steem it.

Hello Friends. I am checking in with you to see how it’s going. Answer any questions. Share a few tips.



First of all, you're learning something new, great! It’s new to everyone, even those that have been here over a year. So go easy on yourself, but allow time to learn what it is, what you want from it, and how to move forward together.

Posting is as easy or weird as you want. You can learn more about using markdown here. Otherwise you can use the editor function. For a different look, try And there are other mobile apps, including @esteem and @steepshot on ios and android. The @zappl team is impressive on many levels, they’ll offer a twitter-like experience. Steem is only a year old, and will continue to offer a variety of services. One can view detailed information about your steemit account at steemd.

via @busy

What do I post about?
Anything you like. Especially the things you like. Share info on upcoming shows, garage sales, fun jobs, or interesting travels. Share videos and memes and photos. Share music and art and anything you want to sell. Share opinions and stories and questions.

Categories that help people find your post. I recommend the 3-5 tags. I suggest using ‘life’ with most posts as well as ‘photograph’ if that’s what you’re sharing. The others are whatever you feel is appropriate. I try to use ‘improv’ and ‘motorcycle’ at times.

Upvote myself? 100% powerup or 50/50?
You’re new. Upvote yourself. It depends on if you want to powerup or 50/50. If you plan on learning to daytrade, then just do 50/50. But otherwise for now, just leave it powered up to 100%.

Who will see my posts?
The majority of the people you meet will be new. There’s that word again. They are learning something new about you, and you have a lot of new things to learn as well. I left some suggestions of who to follow getting started, but the most important people are everyone tagged in this post. You are all new and going to benefit from helping each other out. And the more of us engage, the more it will behave like a normal social media site.

@brevebronovan @shermanedwards @locoestaban @ryprov @dankeykang @aannette @ianmatthews . @tu-mon-amie @mrjozza @pingofd32th @cleomenes

When to post?
Anytime. Mornings are good. But anytime you do post, is good.

What if I want more people to see my posts?
Great! You can leave a link of your post at the following sites:

Steemit Chat on Rocket Chat in appropriate category room and all the “promotion” rooms.
Steemit on Reddit
@Steemtrail’s Discord Chat in appropriate categories.

Aspiring Whales & Dolphins
Team Steemit
Steemit Group
Steemit Group Two
Steemit Upvotes
Steemit Upvotes for Upvotes
We Love Steemit

I don’t care about monies. But I have more questions.
Great! Happy to listen. You can leave your questions below in the comments. You can email me or message me on facebook and twitter. There’s a live show that’s fun and easy to listen to on discord, follow @VOTU, @SirLunchTheHost, and @Beanz for more info on their show. And if you are ready for the ultimate talk-text encounter, go to Steemspeak, tell them jts sent you. Be nice. Listen. Ask a few questions. They’re smart as all get out. If you are a developer or know code, that’s always worth mentioning. They’re looking for people who code. They can help with questions on other things like, crypto, investing, steem, avocados, and code. Code is life. I know nothing about code. Respect.


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