Steem, Improv. Together. Strong.


Together, We Ride. Like bikers, we look after one another, check in on one another. Yes and improv and steemit, together strong.

Many do not know the rewards of blockchain. Many do not know the rewards of improv. Some fear and even dismiss blockchain but only because they have not experienced its benefits. Maybe they were misled and only know what they heard on TV. Maybe they just needed help from healthy and humane friends. Ride together and take care of your crew.

Many fear and dismiss improv but only because they have not experienced it's intangible and empowering gifts yet. Some claim to know what improv is, without never stepping in a theater, only what they have seen on tv or heard bad news about. We have all heard bad things about Bernie Sanders or somebody else, but have you met him and given him a fair shake? Have you given improv, steemit, each other a fair shake?

We sometimes fear what we do not yet understand.

We experienced improvisers only look to make each other look good, anyone telling you different is misleading. Steemit is an opportunity to improve your life. Anyone saying different is misleading.

There are those that have broken away from the pack, made big dollars, now solo the fly. Let them soar, they help us look up. Never begrudge another's success, you never know when it is your turn to fly.

There are those that have fallen behind of the pack, check back on your buddies, you never know when that will be you.There will be those that get off the road for for a while. Let them rest, welcome them back when they are ready. And still there will be those in our life who follow a different path, but we will still see them on our journeys. Perhaps they have embraced a different blockchain or different school of improv. Be happy, it is like someone riding a different motorcycle than you, it reaffirms your own individual style. Perhaps they never do take interest in improv or the blockchain, but are good people in your daily life. It is nice to have those in our life to reflect on the rest of the world.

We all find what we are looking for. Follow your bliss.

The rest of us ride. Together. Strong. Into the sunrise and well past the sunset, day and night around the world, someone is on steemit, someone is improvising. Someone is happier because of them. Give yourself a fair shake. Let go of the doubters and what the TV tells them. Let go of chasing the rising stars, be happy for who you are and the crew around you. Check in on each other and the crew around you. Fear not the monies, the monies will appreciate, the more we appreciate each other. I wrote this out, little by little, while working at my dayjob, thinking of you. I hope you know how much you are appreciated. See you down the road.

Ride on. Together. Strong.



written with @esteem. shout out to Steemspeak, @Steemtrail, @Improv-Trail, @VOTU and @Zappl. See you at @Steemfest and may all your @SteemfestDreams come true.



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